Author: Berdov B.A., Shavladze Z.N., Konoplyannikov A.G., Goulidov I.A.
Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2012 vol.21 No.3
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/mrnts-50-let-klinicheskiy-radiologicheskiy-sektor-proshloe-i-nastoyaschee
Author: SK Hoptynskaya
Reference: Радиация и риск (Radiation and Risk) Year: 1996 Release Number: 8
Abstract: On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, were published books and edited volumes, conference proceedings, which summarized and analyzed medical, social and psychological aspects of the accident.
Author: Petin V.G., Pronkevich M.D.
Reference: Radioation and Lisk 2012 vol.21 No.1
Keywords: Ionizing radiation, Low doses, cancer morbidity, radiation associated hormesis
Abstract: In the review we generalized and analyzed published experimental and epidemiological data on effects of low dose radiation on cancer incidence. It was shown that no increase in cancer incidence was observed in those resided under enhanced natural radiation. Japanese cohort of atomic bomb survivors, nuclear workers and cleanup workers of nuclear incidents. Moreover, in some cases lower cancer mortality as compared to the baseline mortality was observed. The most impressed data on the Taiwan cohort resided in radioactive apartments during 25 years were published. Cancer incidence in that population was 40 times lower than in the control group, at the same time accumulated doses were higher than in clean-up workers of the Chernobyl accident. Analyzed data demonstrate that exposure to low dose radiation reduces risk of cancer development. Possible mechanisms of beneficial action of low level radiation are discussed.
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/analiz-deystviya-malyh-doz-ioniziruyuschego-izlucheniya-na-onkozabolevaemost-cheloveka
Title: Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary system in irradiated population
Author: Biryukov A.P., Ivanov V.K., Maksyutov M.A., Kochergina E.V.
Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2001 No.12
Keywords: genitourinary system,
Abstract: The article provides a review of the latest publications dealing with effects of ionizing radiation on organs and tissues of the genitourinary system. The majority of epidemiological studies provide evidence that despite certain radio-resistance of the tissue, malignant neoplasms of this localization can be formed both as a result of irradiation of the small pelvis itself and due to excretion of radionuclides in case of exposure of other tissues, especially given hormonal disbalance caused by radiogenic disturbance of sexual glands functioning.
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/zlokachestvennye-novoobrazovaniya-mochepolovoy-sistemy-u-obluchennogo-naseleniya-nauchnyy-obzor
Title: Concept of optimization of the radiation protection system in the nuclear sector: management of individual cancer risks and providing targeted health care
Author: Ivanov V.K., Tsyb A.F., Agapov A.M., Kaidalov O.V., Gorskii O.V., Maksyutov M.A., Chekin S.Y., Godjko A.M., Supitsin Y.V., Vaizer V.I., Kozlov E.P., Epikhin A.I.
Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2004 No.S1
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kontseptsiya-optimizatsii-sistemy-radiatsionnoy-zaschity-v-atomnoy-otrasli-upravlenie-individualnymi-kantserogennymi-riskami-i
Title: Ionizing radiation as a risk factor for the development of malignant neoplasms of the digestive organs
Author: Biryukov A.P., Ivanov V.K., Maksyutov M.A., Ivanova I.N.
Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2001 No.12
Keywords: Ionizing radiation, digestive organs
Abstract: The paper provides a review of modern understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development of malignant neoplasms of the digestive system induced by ionizing radiation. digestive organs
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ioniziruyuschee-izluchenie-kak-faktor-riska-razvitiya-zlokachestvennyh-novoobrazovaniy-organov-pischevareniya-nauchnyy-obzor
Title: Probable dose threshold in the definition of the potential risk group among the nuclear industry workers
Author: Ivanov V.K., Tsyb A.F., Agapov A.M., Panfilov A.P., Gorskii A.I., Kaidalov O.V., Maksyutov M.A., Godjko A.M., Tumanov K.A.
Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2005 No.S1
Keywords: nuclear industry workers, risk
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vozmozhnyy-dozovyy-porog-pri-formirovanii-gruppy-potentsialnogo-riska-sredi-personala-atomnoy-otrasli
- Title: Radiation Ecology Issues Associated With Murine Rodents and Shrews in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Author: Sergey P. Gaschak, Julia A. Maklyuk, Andrey M. Maksimenko, Mikhail D. Bondarkov, G. Timothy Jannik and Eduardo B. Farfán
Reference: Part of the Savannah River National Laboratory HPJ Special Issue October 2011
Keywords: Chernobyl, mice, dose assessment, 90Sr, 137Cs.
Abstract: This article describes major studies performed by the Chernobyl Center’s International Radioecology Laboratory (Slavutich, Ukraine) on radioecology of murine rodents and shrews inhabiting the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
URL: http://pt.wkhealth.com/pt/re/lwwgateway/landingpage.htm;jsessionid= RTFVTPblSQTwchLN1PYQyBY6QmyQLGgBhZnB4GQtsQGyCpCW6Rhg! 1594392756!181195629!8091!-1?sid=WKPTLP:landingpage&an=00004032-201110000-00011