カテゴリー「contamination and decontamination」
Author: A.V. Ermakov, V.A. Dmitriev, S.M. Pirogov, V.I. Bogdanov, N.I. Timofeyev, A.A. Kalinovsky, A.N. Konyaev, A.P. Suslov, V.I. Fetisov
Reference: Patent, 20.11.1998 patent holder: Limited Liability Partnership Innovation and Technology Center “Ella”
Keywords: schlich platinum, deactivation, uranium, thorium
Abstract: Usage: deactivation of radionuclide contamination from metallic materials; in detail, removal of uranium and thorium from schlich platinum. It consists of conducting oxidative calcination of contaminated schlich platinum, in air at 1473-1773 K, for 0,50-0,66 h, separating fused oxides of uranium and thorium, depleted radionuclides solid remains being melted in air in the presence of flux.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/212/2122250.html
Author: V.I. Lebedev, L.V. Shmakov, V.M. Tishkov, V.I. Cheremisky, S.V. Gribanenkov, V.D. Fedotov
Reference: Patent, 27.08.1999, patent holder: State enterprise Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant named after V.I. Lenin
Keywords: liquid waste, treatment, evaporation
Abstract: The invention relates to technique for treating liquid radioactive waste, containing surfactants, using evaporation. The invention reduces the foaming of liquid waste 2~4 times. …
URL. http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/213/2136065.html
Author: E.P. Emets, P.P. Poluetkov, V.P. Simonov, S.L. Khrabrov, A.B. Kabanov
Reference: Patent, 10.08.2003, Moscow patent holder: All-Russian research institute of inorganic materials named after A.A. Bochvar
Keywords: metal surface, decontamination
Abstract: The invention relates to nuclear technology, in details, to the removal of radionuclides firmly fixed onto surfaces of metals. The method comprises formation of and easily removable film, after application of the film-forming composition onto the metal surface. The composition consists of water-soluble film former, plasticizer, surfactant and mineral acid.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/221/2210123.html
Author: M.G. Vasilyev, S.G. Bakhvalov, Z.V. Pulikova, N.N. Yegorov, B.M. Lapshin, V.M. Vasilyev
Reference: Patent, 10.05.2000, Krasnoyarsk patent holder: M.G. Vasilyev, S.G. Bakhvalov, Z.V. Pulikova, N.N. Yegorov, B.M. Lapshin, V.M. Vasilyev
Keywords: metallic and liquid waste, exhaust gas
Abstract: Invention for the treatment of metallic and liquid radioactive waste. This method consists of melting the metallic radioactive waste, in the presence of refining slag with immersion of metallic radioactive waste into the melt. The method also includes removal and cleaning of its exhaust gases.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/214/2148865.html
Author: Z.R. Ismagilov, M.A. Kerzhentsev, V.N. Korotkikh, B.I. Lunyushkin, Yu.V. Ostrovsky
Reference: Patent, 27.05.1999, Novosibirsk patent holder: Institute of Catalysis named after G.K. Boreskova, Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: organic waste, incineration deactivation, nuclear cycle
Abstract: The invention relates to deactivation of organic wastes containing radionuclides, and can be used at nuclear cycle. The reactor is designed for deactivation by incinerating mixed waste, containing organic substances, carbon, radioactive materials and a significant amount of water.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/213/2131151.html
Author: A.Z. Burnaev, I.A. Kashirin, A.G. Nikonorov, A.V. Panchenko, T.I. Paramonova, O.G. Polsky, V.A. Smirnov, A.I. Sobolev, T.S. Yakunina
Reference: Patent, 10.02.2004, Moscow patent holder: Moscow State Enterprise – Joint Environmental-Technological Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste and the protection of the environment (SIA “Radon”)
Keywords: industrial territory, tritium, sampling, soil, water, snow
Abstract: Usage: for specialized facilities for radioactive waste management. Substance: : The method is applied for sampling of surface water, ground and underground waters, snow cover and soil in high security zones, health protection zones and surveillance zones of industrial enterprises. In addition, it carries a selection of control samples of soil and water from plots located outside the influence of the enterprise, not being subjected to contamination by tritium from other industry.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/222/2223517.html
Author: V.D. Risovanyi, A.V. Zakharov, E.P. Klochkov, A.G. Osipenko
Reference: Patent, 27.09.2000 patent holder: State Scientific Center Research Institute of Atomic Reactors
Keywords: boron carbide, waste
Abstract: The invention relates to nuclear technology. Technical result: it enhances efficiency of the usage of enriched boron carbide. Absorbent core, in the form of tablets, fragments of tablets or carbide powder of boron, is extracted from nuclear waste of reactor regulating rods. Decontaminates surface contaminations.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/215/2156732.html
Author: N.I. Burangulov, A.I. Plugin
Reference: Patent, 27.07.1998, patent holder: St. Petersburg Academy of Engineering
Keywords: liquid waste, process
Abstract: The invention relates to process radioactive liquid waste.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/211/2116680.html
Author: Yu.P. Kudryavsky, Yu.F. Trapeznikov, V.F. Bekker, A.V. Belkin
Reference: Patent, 27.05.2003, Moscow patent holder: Research-and-production company of environment “Eco-Technology”
Keywords: middling, industrial waste, neutralization
Abstract: The invention relates to metallurgy and can be used for neutralization of radioactive middlings and / or production waste. Summery: After dissolving middlings and / or industrial waste, method of processing the resulted product is established, using milk of lime, then we separate hydrated precipitate, and inject the mother liquor into the barium chloride and sulfuric acid at the following ionized ratios: SO4 2-/Ba2 + = 1-6 and Ca2 + / Ba2 5.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/220/2205461.html
Author: I.A. Sobolev, S.A. Dmitriev, F.A. Lifanov, A.P. Kobelev, A.E. Savkin, V.N. Zakharenko, V.I. Kornev, O.A. Knyazev
Reference: Patent, 10.07.1998, Moscow patent holder: Moscow State Enterprise – Joint Environmental-Technological Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste and the protection of the environment (SIA “Radon”)
Keywords: vitrification, liquid waste, ion exchange resins
Abstract: The invention relates to liquid waste treatment and is intended for vitrification of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures of liquid radioactive waste containing ion exchange resins.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/211/2115182.html