
Children’s Well-being 11 Years After the Chornobyl Catastrophe

Title: Children’s Well-being 11 Years After the Chornobyl Catastrophe

Author: Bromet EJ, Goldgaber D, Carlson G, Panina N, Golovakha E, Gluzman SF, Gilbert T, Gluzman D, Lyubsky S, Schwartz JE.

Reference: Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2000;57(6):563-571

doi:10-1001/pubs.Arch Gen Psychiatry-ISSN-0003-990x-57-6-yoa9231.

Keywords: psychological effects, children, Kiev

Abstract: The psychological effects of technological disasters have rarely been studied in children. This study assessed the aftermath of the 1986 Chornobyl disaster in children evacuated to Kyiv from the contaminated zone surrounding the nuclear power facility.

URL: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=481617


