
Problem of Chernobyl must not be forgotten!

Author: Irina Yushkina

Reference: Вестник Могилева главная городская газета16 мая, 2013 (Bulletin of the main city of Mogilev, 16 May 2013)


Abstract: -How did radiation affect the thyroid gland?

– How can one determine the cells that are out of control and can bring some serious problems?

— Is there a disease prevention, and what is it?

– What should a person do if he/she suspects some change?

– The problem of iodine deficiency: this is not just a problem of Belarus: it exists in other countries too, particularly in Russia. Can we talk about tolerance, indifference, apathy manifested in people living in areas, which are endemic of iodine – is this a manifestation of the disease, or merely character traits?

URL: http://www.vestnik-mogileva.info/content/stati/irina-yushkina-o-


