
Effects of damage to the human hematopoietic system in relation to the Chernobyl accident

Author: Savina NP, Hoptynskaya SK

Reference:  Радиация и риск (Radiation and Risk): 1995 Release Number: 6

Abstract: 1. Some aspects of the state of the hematopoietic system in patients with acute radiation sickness

2. Early and late (remote) hematologic and non-stochastic effects among liquidators and those living in the contaminated areas

3. Probability and conditions of radiogenic stochastic effects in hematopoietic tissue

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/effekty-porazheniya-sistemy-krovetvoreniya-cheloveka-v-svyazi-s-avariey-na-chernobylskoy-aes



