
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association

Reference: Journal Thyronet 2002 № 1-2

Keywords: Comments by Hennemann G., Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Abstract: Ostapenko V., et al. (Minsk, Belarus; Bethesda, New York, USA) examined the level of TG in 9334 of inhabitants of Belarus, residing in a region of moderate iodine deficiency, aged, at the time of the Chernobyl accident, 0 – 18. Among the examinees, 4671 did not show any pathology of the thyroid gland, whereas 53 showed papillary thyroid cancer, 496 showed solitary nodules in the thyroid gland, and 198 showed multinodular goiter. Compared with the first group (control), the other three showed a statistically significant increase in triglycerides.

URL: http://www.thyronet.ru/spetsialistam/zhurnal/archiv/2002g/1-2/Materialy_27go_ejegodnogo_sezda_Evropeiskoi_Tireoidologicheskoi_Associacii.html?page=7


