
Angioneurological features of chronic cerebrovascular pathology in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, in remote period after exposure

Author: K.N. Loganovsky, A.N. Kovalenko, N.V. Denisyuk

Reference: Кровообіг та гемостаз (Circulation and hemostasis), 2010


Abstract: Angioneurological features of chronic cerebrovascular disease, in the remote period after total body irradiation in the dose range 0,025-4,7 Sv, are confirmed. As model target, a left internal carotid artery is adopted. Etiological heterogeneity changes of cerebral hemodynamics, in the remote period after irradiation, is confirmed, at which the role of radiation, among traditional risk factors (age, somatic diseases, smoking, alcohol abuse), is shown in doses exceeding 0.3 Sv.

URL: http://library.zsmu.edu.ua/CGI/irbis64r_91_opac/cgiirbis_64.exe?LNG=&C21COM=S&I21DBN=ZSMUL&P21DBN=ZSMUL&S21FMT=infow_wh&S21ALL=(%3C.%3EA%3D%D0%9B%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9,%20%D0%9A.%20%D0%9D.$%3C.%3E)&Z21ID=&S21SRW=TIPVID&S21SRD=DOWN&S21STN=1&S21REF=10&S21CNR=20




