
カテゴリー「contamination and decontamination」

Recommendations for creating and maintaining fields of livestock exposed to radionuclides in Ukraine (in Ukrainian)


Title: Recommendations for creating and maintaining fields of livestock exposed to radionuclides in Ukraine  (in Ukrainian)


Reference: Ukrainian Ministry of Agribusiness, Kiev, 1998


Keywords: contamination, beef cattle, environment, radionuclides, ground, veterinary


URL: http://library.gpntb.ru/cgi/irbis64r_simplesite/cgiirbis_64.exe?I21DBN=RSK&P21DBN=RSK&Z21ID=&S21REF=&S21CNR=&S21STN=1&S21FMT=fullwebr&C21COM=S&2_S21P02=1&2_S21P03=K=&2_S21STR=%D0%97I

Ukrainian: Рекомендацiї зi створення i ведення галузi м’ясного скотарства в забруднених радiонуклiдами районах України  

Forest. People. Chernobyl

 Author: V. A. Ipat’ev, V. F. Baginsky, I. M. Bulavik, A.M. Dvornik etc.

Reference: Gomel, 1999


Keywords: contamination, forest, ecology, Belorussia, decontamination, eco system, radionuclides


URL: http://do.znate.ru/docs/index-10683.html?page=4

Russian: Лес. Человек. Чернобыль: Ипатьев В.А., Багинский В.Ф., Булавик И.М., Дворник А.М….

The first “nurse” of the first zone

Author: Aleksandr Bolyarsnii

Reference: Internet journal lebed, 2003/art3325.htm


Keywords: decommissioning, decontamination, workers

Abstract: The author is an electrical engineer, who worked at the Chernobyl power plant. Bolyarsnii is also a journalist, who has been revealing a true sight of the disaster since 1986. Since immigrating to the US the author has widely worked as writer and journalist. His dissertations have appeared in journals such as RAKURS center of economic analysis. Currently he is the chief editor of the monthly paper Krugozor.

URL: http://www.lebed.com/2003/art3325.htm

Russian: Первый “санитар” первой зоны: Александр Болясный

New rules for visiting the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone


Reference:  The Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ukraine  2010


Keywords: technology, exclusion zone, foreigner

Abstract: Rules established in 2010 about visit of the exclusion zone around Chernobyl. Rules concerning foreign delegations and scientists, along with those concerning Ukrainians, are indicated.     

URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/main/41-novye-pravila-posescheniya-zony-otchuzhdeniya.html

Russian: Новые правила посещения Чернобыльской зоны отчуждения: МИНИСТЕРСТВО ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНЫХ СИТУАЦИЙ УКРАИНЫ

Chernobyl “CPD” (CPD=Continuing Professional Development)

Author: L. A. Kobalevskaya

Reference: Abris, Kiev, 1995


Keywords: decontamination, self-protection

Abstract: The author presents a personal and insight view of the Chernobyl Accident. L. A. Kobalevskaya describes the actual life of people after the disaster, with suggestions of self protection in case of a radioactive accident. The author emphasizes that in case of an accident a person should be able to protect him/herself without relying on others, especially politicians. She introduces technicalities concerning decontamination and other scientific matters in a manner easily comprehensible to any reader.   

URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/books/178-chernobyl-dsp.html

Russian: Чернобыль “ДСП”

Atlas of the contemporary and predictive aspects of the effects of the Chernobyl accident (of the devastated area)

Title: Atlas of the contemporary and predictive aspects of the effects of the Chernobyl accident (of the devastated area)

Author: Yu. A. Israel, Safety Institute of Atomic Energy Sciences (Институт проблем безопасного развития атомной энергетики РАН), Institute of Radiology etc.

Reference: ASPA Russia and Belorussia (Government of Russia and Belorussia)


Keywords: contamination

Abstract: The atlas presents maps on retrospective, contemporary and predictive (up to 2056) aspects of the Chernobyl accidents.  The authors and supervisors of the atlas are leading specialists from institutions in Russia and Belorussia.


Russian: Атлас современных и прогнозных аспектов последствий аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС

Dosimetric and radiometric instruments and measurement

Author: V. F. Afseenko

Reference: Urozhai, Kiev, 1990


Keywords: decontamination of water and food.

Abstract: The book deals with decontamination of water and food from radiation, as well as methods of counting of radiation. 

URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/books/116-dozimetricheskie-pribory.html

Russian: Дозиметрические и радиометрические приборы и измерения: Авсеенко В. Ф

Chernobyl: radioactive contamination of the environment

Author: Yu. A. Israel, S. M. Vakulovsky, V. A. Vetrov etc. edtor: Yu. A. Israel

Reference: Gidrometeoizdat, 1990


Keywords: environment, radioactive contamination, decontamination

Abstract: Formation of radionuclides after the Chernobyl accident. Contamination of environment, water, soil etc.

URL: http://chernobil.info/?p=5314

Russian:  Чернобыль: радиоактивное загрязнение природных сред: Ю.А.Израэль, С.М.Вакуловский,В.А.Ветров и др.;Под ред. Ю. А. Израэля

Title: Decontamination in nuclear energetics


Author: N. I. Ampelogova, Yu. M. Simanovsky, A. A. Trapeznikov

Reference: Energoizdat, 1982


Keywords: contamination, decontamintaion

Abstract:  Soviet and foreign materials on contamination and decontamination of nuclear equipments and facilities. 

URL:  http://mirknig.com/knigi/estesstv_nauki/1181548750-dezaktivaciya-v-yadernoy-energetike.html

Russian:  Дезактивация в ядерной энергетике: Ампелогова Н.И., Симановский Ю.М., Трапезников А.А.


Title: Chernobyl: so it was. An insight.


Author: V. Ya. Voznyak, S. N. Troitsky

Reference: B.m., 1993



Notes: The author, V. Ya. Voznyak, was the head of the Soviet government’s Chernobil department between 1986 and 1990.

URL: http://any-book.ru/book/show/id/1504319

Russian: Чернобыль: так это было. Взгляд изнутри / В.Я.Возняк,С.Н.Троицкий
