Title: Chernobyl-induced radiophobia and the incidence of tuberculosis
Author: Takamura, Noboru / Kryshenko, Nikolay / Masyakin, Vladimir / Tamashiro, Hidehiko / Yamashita, Shunichi
Reference: The Lancet, 356 (9225), p.257, Jul 2000
doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)74513-X
Abstract: …to this phenomenon. 3 After the Chernobyl nuclear accident, a significant…increase in the incidence of childhood thyroid diseases was found, particularly in Gomel region of Belarus, where thyroid cancer incidence is 100 times higher than…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014067360574513X
Title: Thyroid gland and radiation (Ukrainian-American Thyroid Project)
Author: Tronko, Mykola D. / Bobylyova, Olga O. / Bogdanova, Tetyana I. / Epshtein, Ovsiy V. / Likhtaryov, Illya A. / Markov, Valentyn V. / Oliynyk, Valery A. / (…) / Voillequé, Paul
Reference: International Congress Series, 1258, p.91-104, Nov 2003
doi: 10.1016/S0531-5131(03)01216-0
Keywords: Chernobyl; Radioiodine; Thyroid gland; Cancer
Abstract: For the period 1998–2002, in the framework of the Ukraine–USA Thyroid Project, medical screening examinations have been conducted to subjects who were aged 0 to 18 years at the time of the Chernobyl accident. These were residents of eight districts, from Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Zhytomyr regions of the Ukraine, having been most affected following the Chernobyl accident, and having received within several weeks after the accident direct measurements of thyroid doses of gamma radiation. For the period 1998–2000, 13227 cohort subjects have undergone screening, and in 2001–2002, a repeat screening was performed. As a result of screening, 64 cases of thyroid carcinoma have been identified, including 43 cases after the first screening and 21 cases after the second screening….
Title: Radiation-induced thyroid changes: A retrospective and a prospective view
Author: Massimino, Maura / Gandola, Lorenza / Mattavelli, Franco / Pizzi, Natalia / Seregni, Ettore / Pallotti, Federica / Spreafico, Filippo / (…) / Collini, Paola
Reference: European Journal of Cancer, 45 (14), p.2546-2551, Sep 2009
doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2009.06.009
Keywords: Childhood radiotherapy; Second tumours; Iatrogenic hypothyroidism; Thyroid nodules; Thyroid late-effects
Abstract: …dose of radiation to the thyroid in patients who subsequently…in dosage and cases of cancer is maintained 26 ; higher…the onset of secondary cancer was a median 10 years…documented after the Chernobyl incident. 28 As other…also true of primary thyroid tumours after puberty…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959804909004389
Title: Immunological Effects of the Chernobyl Accident
Author: Bazyka, D
Reference: Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, Jan 2011
Keywords: 12-HETE; Acute radiation syndrome; Chernobyl; Immunity; Lymphocyte; Radiation; Stem cells; T-cell receptor
Abstract: …1 ). The first cancer case was diagnosed…NK) cells and cancer induction after radiation exposure in Chernobyl victims, but…incorporation to thyroid could affect the…in proximity to thyroid gland, is a critical…maturation. After Chernobyl, the signs of its…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780444522726000830
Title: 25 years after Chernobyl: lessons for Japan?,
Author: Moysich, Kirsten B / McCarthy, Philip / Hall, Per
Reference: The Lancet Oncology, 12 (5), p.416-418, May 2011
doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(11)70095-X
Abstract: …After the Chernobyl accident, many…reported the cancer consequences…exception of thyroid cancer in young…consequences of the Chernobyl accident are studied…associating Chernobyl-related radiation and thyroid cancer in children…
Title: Project Chernobyl Honored at the United Nations’ Conference
Reference: [PDF-8MB]Apr 2009
Abstract: …helping fund Project Chernobyl, an effort to diagnose thyroid cancer among the group…annual conference of Thyroid Cancer after Chernobyl, held at the United…Yorkers at risk for thyroid cancer. Project Chernobyl continues its efforts…
URL: http://www.nyee.edu/pdf/highlights-2009i-dailynews.pdf
Title: National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Guidelines for the Use of Tumor Markers in Differentiated Epithelial Thyroid Carcinom
Author: Kenneth B. Ain, Ronald J Whitley
Reference: NACB: Practice Guidelines And Recommendations For Use Of Tumor Markers In The Clinic Thyroid Cancer (Section 3O) [PDF-83K]Feb 2008
Keywords: thyroid carcinoma, follicular, papillary, thyroglobulin
Abstract: …North America, thyroid cancer shows the greatest…increasing rate of cancer mortality in American…nuclear reactor in Chernobyl, Belarus, in 1986…environmental influences. Thyroid carcinomas, mostly…presentation for thyroid cancer is as a painless…
URL: http://www.aacc.org/SiteCollectionDocuments/NACB/LMPG/tumor/chp3o_thyroid.pdf
Title: Cancer in the Ukraine, post-Chernobyl
Author: Prisyazhiuk, Anatoly / Pjatak, O.A. / Buzanov, V.A. / Reeves, GillianK. / Beral, Valerie
Reference: The Lancet, 338 (8778), p.1334-1335, Nov 1991
doi: 10.1016/0140-6736(91)92632-C
Abstract: …leukaemia and thyroid cancer does not follow…living near Chernobyl, the increases…increase in cancer has yet occurred…result of the Chernobyl accident. The collection of cancer incidence data…in respect of thyroid cancer in children…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/014067369192632C
Title: Comet assay on children’s leukocytes 8 years after the Chernobyl disaster
Author: Frenzilli, G / Lori, A / Panasiuk, G / Ferdeghini, M / Barale, R
Reference: Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 415 (1-2), p.151-158, Jul 1998
doi: 10.1016/S1383-5718(98)00060-6
Keywords: Single cell gel electrophoresis; Human leukocyte; DNA damage; Bleomycin; Adaptive response
Abstract…. The children come from the Gomel region, one of the areas most heavily radio-contaminated by the Chernobyl fallout. In addition, leukocytes were treated with a challenge dose of bleomycin (BLM, 1.5 μg/ml), to assess the presence of an adaptive response (AR) potentially resulting from chronic exposure to radionuclides. As controls, 13 children living in Pisa (Italy) were enrolled in the study. Children with thyroid cancer show higher (p<0.001) DNA damage than healthy ones.. …
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383571898000606
Title: Mechanisms of chromosomal rearrangements in solid tumors: The model of papillary thyroid carcinoma
Author: Gandhi, Manoj / Evdokimova, Viktoria / Nikiforov, Yuri E.
Reference: Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 321 (1), p.36-43, May 2010
doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2009.09.013
Keywords: Thyroid cancer; RET/PTC; Nuclear architecture; DNA repair
Abstract: …risk factor for thyroid cancer, especially for papillary…increased incidence of thyroid cancer has been documented…radiation after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in…2006 ). Studied of thyroid cancer in various populations…