
Experience of operational information support of scientific research in the MRRC RAMS

Title: Experience of operational information support of scientific research in the MRRC RAMS

Author: Tsyb A.F., Savina N.P., Filippova S.A., Maznev V.A.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2010 vol.19 No.1

Keywords: off-budget support of science activities, radiation

Abstract: Information on 724 grants received by MRRC RAMS scientific workers in the years 1993-2009 was given using domestic and international information resources in electronic and print media. The results of processing and analyzing databases enabled to characterize the activity of scientific workers in MRRC RAMS sectors aimed at receiving financial support for the science activities in the field of medical radiology, radiobiology and radiation epidemiology, sum up, highlight problems and prospects. Peculiarities of non-competitive financing of the science were considered. Difficulties in financing innovative projects were analyzed.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/opyt-raboty-sluzhby-operativnoy-informatsionnoy-podderzhki-nauchnyh-issledovaniy-v-mrnts-ramn-1993-2009-gg


Cancer incidence among the participants of the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster


Title: Cancer incidence among the participants of the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster

Author: Ivanov V.K., Rastopchin E.M., Gorskiy A.I., Ryvkin V.B.

Reference: Radioation and Lisk 1996 No.8

Keywords:incidence, liquidators

Abstract: The work presents data on incidence of solid malignant neoplasms among liquidators of the Chernobyl accident which have been gathered in Russian National Medical and Dosimetric Registry from 1986 to the beginning of 1996. RNMDR contains individual dosimetric data and results of annual medical check-ups of the liquidators living on the territory of Russia. The study involves male liquidators who had no oncological diseases before arrival to the 30-km zone and for whom the following information was available: confirmed dose of external irradiation, birth date, date of arrival to the 30-km zone, time spent in the 30-km zone, results of medical checkups. The number of liquidators under study was 114504 persons, which is about 68% of all liquidators registered in RNMDR. The average dose of the considered cohort is 108 mGy, the average age at the time of their first arrival to the 30-km zone is 34.3 year and the total number of person-years spent in the zone is 797781. The liquidatorsx27; cohort is briefly characterized, cancer incidence of liquidators is compared with that of the population of Russia as a whole by calculating standardized incidence ratio (SIR). SIRs with 95% confidence intervals for all solid malignant neoplasms and cancers of the digestive system were 1.23 (1.15; 1.31) and 1.11 (1.01; 1.24) respectively. Estimation of radiation risks for the same disease classes has revealed a statistically significant increase in cancer incidence with increase in external radiation dose of liquidators.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/onkologicheskaya-zabolevaemost-sredi-uchastnikov-likvidatsii-posledstviy-chernobylskoy-katastrofy




Comparative analysis of cytogenetic indices of the thyroid gland in children and adolescents since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the contaminated territories of the Oryol and Kaluga regions

Title: Comparative analysis of cytogenetic indices of the thyroid gland in children and adolescents since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the contaminated territories of the Oryol and Kaluga regions

Author: Sevankaev A.V., Parshin B.C., Mihaylova G.F., Hvostunov I.K., Tsepenko V.V., Potetnya O.I., Golub E.V., Pyatenko B.C., Pozdyshkina O.V., Omarashabov N.O.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2006 vol.15 No.1-2

Keywords: children, teenagers, Oryol, Kaluga

Abstract: The paper presents the results of examination of children and teenagers living on the contaminated areas of Oryol (248 subjects) and Kaluga (224 subjects) oblasts since the Chernobyl accident occurred. The goal of the study was carrying out a comparative analysis the results of cytogenetic assay and estimation of morphologic-function status of thyroid glands by ultrasonic exclusion. The study was consisted of synchronous ultrasonic diagnosis and cytogenetic analysis of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes performed in 1998 and 2003 years in two oblasts respectively. Based on combined cytogenetic data it was found no significant discrepancy between healthy and thyroid gland pathology subjects studied in both oblasts. At once the subgroup with high level of chromosomal aberrations exhibited elevated percentage of thyroid diseases compared with the subgroup with low level of chromosomal aberrations, namely by 15% for Kaluga and by 25 % for Oryol oblasts. The highest level of thyroid gland disease incidence was found in the subgroup of subjects with high level of chromosomal aberrations who was born in 1986-1987 years, that is by 44 % for Kaluga and by 110 % for Oryol oblasts.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sravnitelnyy-analiz-tsitogeneticheskih-pokazateley-s-morfo-funktsionalnym-sostoyaniem-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-u-detey-i-podrostkov


Annex 4 to the order of Ministry of Health Medprom number 236 from “L” in August 1995

Reference:  Радиация и риск (Radiation and risk): 1996, no. S1

Abstract: Instructions for the completion of the registry card of cancer diseases of persons exposed to radiation due to the Chernobyl accident.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/prilozhenie-3-k-prikazu-minzdravmedproma-rossii-236-ot-11-avgusta-1995-g-registratsionnaya-karta-onkologicheskogo-zabolevaniya-litsa

Estimation of absorbed dose in thyroid gland of Bryansk, Tula, Oryol regions based on Radiometry in 1986 year

Title: Estimation of absorbed dose in thyroid gland of Bryansk, Tula, Oryol regions based on Radiometry in 1986 year

Author: Zvonova I.A., Balonov M.I., Bratilova A.A., Baleva G.E., Gridasova S.A., Mitrohin M.A., Sazhneva V.P.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 1997 No.10

Keywords: absorbed dose, Bryansk, Tula, Oryol

Abstract: Equipment and methods, used for measurements of 131I in thyroid among inhabitants in three regions of the Russian Federation – Bryansk, Tula, Orel, which were most heavy contaminated with radioactive fall-out after the Chernobyl accident, are described in the article. Techniques of estimation 131I activity and dose in thyroid based on measurements are presented. A model of 131I intake in human body is proposed which takes into account applied protective measures and an algorithm for calculating thyroid dose is described. Examples of performed measurements, calculated 131I activity and estimated doses in thyroids in some contaminated areas of Russia are presented. An average thyroid dose in children who lived in the villages was by 2-5 times and in towns by 1.5-12 times higher than that in adults. The mean mass of thyroid glands in adult inhabitants in the Bryansk region was estimated as 27 g, which exceeds the value for a standard man (20 g). This fact was taken into account in the dosimetric calculation.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otsenka-pogloschennoy-dozy-v-schitovidnoy-zheleze-zhiteley-bryanskoy-tulskoy-orlovskoy-oblastey-po-rezultatam-radiometrii-v-1986-godu




International scientific cooperation

Author: Seleva N.G.

Reference: Радиация и риск (Radiation and Risk) 2002, Release Number: 13:

Abstract: In 2000, the agreement confirmed in 1995 between MRRC RAMS and the International Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation (Japan), to implement research called “Diseases of the thyroid gland, resulting from the Chernobyl accident” (supervisors: RAMS A.F.Tsyb, Director of MRRC RAMS, and Professor K.Kiykuni, Executive Director of the project Sasakawa-Chernobyl), was conducted.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/mezhdunarodnoe-nauchnoe-sotrudnichestvo-1

Effects of damage to the human hematopoietic system in relation to the Chernobyl accident

Author: Savina NP, Hoptynskaya SK

Reference:  Радиация и риск (Radiation and Risk): 1995 Release Number: 6

Abstract: 1. Some aspects of the state of the hematopoietic system in patients with acute radiation sickness

2. Early and late (remote) hematologic and non-stochastic effects among liquidators and those living in the contaminated areas

3. Probability and conditions of radiogenic stochastic effects in hematopoietic tissue

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/effekty-porazheniya-sistemy-krovetvoreniya-cheloveka-v-svyazi-s-avariey-na-chernobylskoy-aes


Compiled by SK Hoptynskaya

Reference:  Радиация и риск (Radiation and Risk): 2011 Vol: 20 Issue: 4

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/bibliografiya-nauchnyh-publikatsiy-2010-goda-po-meditsinskim-aspektam-chernobylskoy-avarii




Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2012 vol.21 No.4


Abstract: The authors compare values of radiation risks of potential cancer from diagnostic radiation exposure assessed with the use of organ and effective doses. Estimates of lifetime attributable risk from CT scanning made with ICRP 103 risk models and national data of medical statistics are given as an example. It is shown that values of lifetime attributable risk based on organ and effective doses can differ 3.11 times. Values of lifetime attributable cancer risk for specific organs are presented as well.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otsenka-radiatsionnogo-riska-meditsinskogo-oblucheniya-v-terminah-effektivnoy-i-organnyh-doz



Individual assessment of radiation risks for different scenarios of professional chronic exposure


Title: Individual assessment of radiation risks for different scenarios of professional chronic exposure

Author: Ivanov V.K., Kaydalov O.V., Kascheeva P.V., Korelo A.M., Panfilov A.P., Vasilenko E.K.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2008 vol.17 No.2

Abstract: New “dose matrix” approach used for optimization of radiation protection of a personnel is examined. Values of radiation risks calculated for different occupational radiation exposure scenarios are given. Potential enhanced risk group among workers of the Industrial Association Mayak, who are under permanent dosimetry monitoring, is formed on the basis of dosimetric information and existing standards of radiation protection.

Keywords: technological platform of radiation protection,   “dose matrix”,   radiation risk among workers of the Industrial Association Mayak

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otsenka-individualnyh-radiatsionnyh-riskov-pri-razlichnyh-stsenariyah-professionalnogo-hronicheskogo-oblucheniya


