
Method for treating liquid radioactive waste of NPP

Author: V.I. Lebedev, L.V. Shmakov, V.M. Tishkov, V.I. Cheremisky, S.V. Gribanenkov, V.D. Fedotov

Reference: Patent, 27.08.1999, patent holder: State enterprise Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant named after V.I. Lenin

Keywords: liquid waste, treatment, evaporation

Abstract: The invention relates to technique for treating liquid radioactive waste, containing surfactants, using evaporation. The invention reduces the foaming of liquid waste 2~4 times. …

URL. http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/213/2136065.html


Author: E.P. Emets, P.P. Poluetkov, V.P. Simonov, S.L. Khrabrov, A.B. Kabanov

Reference: Patent, 10.08.2003, Moscow patent holder: All-Russian research institute of inorganic materials named after A.A. Bochvar

Keywords: metal surface, decontamination

Abstract: The invention relates to nuclear technology, in details, to the removal of radionuclides firmly fixed onto surfaces of metals. The method comprises formation of and easily removable film, after application of the film-forming composition onto the metal surface. The composition consists of water-soluble film former, plasticizer, surfactant and mineral acid.

URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/221/2210123.html

Thyroid Gland Pathology among Chernobyl NPP Disaster Fighters Living within Ozyorsk Area

Title: Thyroid Gland Pathology among Chernobyl NPP Disaster Fighters Living within Ozyorsk Area

Author: Rabinovich E.I., Povolotskaya S.V., Shorokhova V.B., Turdakova V.A., Egorov A.N., Ryzhova E.F., Siniborova E.A., Privalov V.A.


ISSN: 1816-9643

Keywords:Ozyorsk, liquidator

Abstract:  Relation between radioactive impact and thyroid pathology was investigated among the Chernobyl NPPdisaster fighters living within the Ozyorsk area. It was revealed that the prevalence of all thyroid illnesseswithin the group of Ozyorsk residents, who was subjected to the higher radiation risk due to the post-accidental activities in the Chernobyl NPP, did not differ from that one among the population not subjected toany man-induced radiation impact. Among male fighters there were no differences noted for any nosologicillness form. At the same time among females a significant excess of nodular goiter is revealed comparedwith the control group (OP =1.5 at 95% confidence limit 1.0-2.3). This difference is conditioned by thesub-group of females subjected in the childhood to the radiation impact of the body burden radionuclides,particularly 131I due to residence in the area of Mayak PA influence. It is demonstrated that the prevalenceof thyroid pathology is significantly related to the non-radiation risk factors: sex (2.5 times higher forfemales than for males) and age (1.6 times higher for persons after 60 years old), which complys that is incompliance with published data.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11659551

Problems of iodine prophylaxis in Russia in case of radiation accident

Title: Problems of iodine prophylaxis in Russia in case of radiation accident

Author: Iljin L.A., Lyaginskaya A.M., Vasilenko I.Yu., Osipov V.A., Ermalitsky A.P., Savkin M.N., Grachev M.I., Avetisov G.M.

Reference: Journal «МЕДИЦИНА КАТАСТРОФ» No.: 1-2 : 2006,



Abstract:  The authors describe validity of the principles of the existing iodine prophylaxis in this country, levels of intervention and adopted doses of protective preparations from the point of view of modern knowledge. They state that possibility of cancer diseases progress may be reduced or even totally prevented using iodine pro-phylaxis, and to the larger extent using it in combination with other protective measures; the main principle of iodine prophylaxis must be an achievement of a ma-ximum effect using minimum doses of potassium iodide for each age cohort.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11601306

Comparative Morphological Analysis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Children and Adolescents Born before and after Chernobyl Accident


Title: Comparative Morphological Analysis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Children and Adolescents Born before and after Chernobyl Accident

Author: Abrosimov A. Yu.

Reference: Medical Radiological Research Center of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 4 Korolev str., Obninsk, Kaluga district, 249036 Russia

ISSN: 0025-8334


Abstract: Purpose: To elaborate comparative morphological analysis of radiogenic and sporadic papillary thyroid carcinoma in children and adolescents bom before and after Chernobyl accident and living in the radionuclide contaminated regions of the Russian Federation. Material and methods: Histological sections of papillary carcinoma and medical records from I8O children (under 15 years old) and adolescents (from 15 to 19 years) living in Bryansk, Kaluga, Oryol and Tula regions of Russia have been examined. The first group of radiogenic cancer cases includes 130 patients whose thyroid might be exposed after the accident. The second group of sporadic tumors includes 50 patients bom since the end of January 19S7 and whose thyroid exposure to radioiodine becomes negligible. A comparison between two groups via prevalence of different histological types of papillary carcinoma and other morphological features of tumor growth has been performed. Results;The male/female ratio in the first group is 1/1.5 comparing to the second group where it is 1/3.2. The average size of tumors in the first group is higher than that in the second one (14.6+1.0 mm vs. 11.4+0.8 mm), but difference is not quite significant (p-0.06). The differences between higher extent of tumor stromal fibrosis (52.3 %) and extent of cxtrathyroid invasion (23.8 %) of tumors in the first group comparing to the second group (28.0 % and 8.0 % respectively) are statistically significant (p<0.01 and р=0.02 respectively). No differences ‘between two groups have been revealed in the prevalence of various histological types of papillary carcinoma. Conclusion: Radiogenic and sporadic papillary carcinomas have no specific types of histological architecture (histological variants). Twо groups differ from each other by the male/female ratio (females are significantly prevailing in the sporadic group), as well as by the extent of stromal fibrotic response and extent of extrathyroid invasive growth that could be revealed more often in the group of radiogenic papillary thyroid carcinomas.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=10019508

UN CONFERENCE “PROJECT CHERNOBYL. LIFE IN CONDITIONS OF RADIATION AFTER CHERNOBYL DISASTER: Treatment of thyroid cancer of patients in the era of health care reform “

Author: A.F. Romanchishen

Reference: conference material, article in journal «Bulletin of Surgery, named after I.I. Grekov”, St. Petersburg, 2010

ISSN: 0042-4625

Keywords: Chernobyl catastrophe, thyroid cancer

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=13092744

Thyroid cancer in children and adults of the Belgorod region, during the 15 years after the Chernobyl Accident

Author: T.P. Golibets, B.S. Kobalenko

Reference: article in journal “Palliative medicine and rehabilitation”, Moscow, 2005

ISSN: 2079-4193

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=14778264

Method for treatment of radioactive metallic waste – Furnace for its implementation

Author: M.G. Vasilyev, S.G. Bakhvalov, Z.V. Pulikova, N.N. Yegorov, B.M. Lapshin, V.M. Vasilyev

Reference: Patent, 10.05.2000, Krasnoyarsk patent holder: M.G. Vasilyev, S.G. Bakhvalov, Z.V. Pulikova, N.N. Yegorov, B.M. Lapshin, V.M. Vasilyev

Keywords: metallic and liquid waste, exhaust gas

Abstract: Invention for the treatment of metallic and liquid radioactive waste. This method consists of melting the metallic radioactive waste, in the presence of refining slag with immersion of metallic radioactive waste into the melt. The method also includes removal and cleaning of its exhaust gases.

URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/214/2148865.html

Reactor for catalytic deactivation of organic waste containing radionuclides

Author: Z.R. Ismagilov, M.A. Kerzhentsev, V.N. Korotkikh, B.I. Lunyushkin, Yu.V. Ostrovsky

Reference: Patent, 27.05.1999, Novosibirsk patent holder: Institute of Catalysis named after G.K. Boreskova, Russian Academy of Sciences

Keywords: organic waste, incineration deactivation, nuclear cycle

Abstract: The invention relates to deactivation of organic wastes containing radionuclides, and can be used at nuclear cycle. The reactor is designed for deactivation by incinerating mixed waste, containing organic substances, carbon, radioactive materials and a significant amount of water.

URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/213/2131151.html

Method for radioecological monitoring of tritium in the environment of industrial enterprises

Author: A.Z. Burnaev, I.A. Kashirin, A.G. Nikonorov, A.V. Panchenko, T.I. Paramonova, O.G. Polsky, V.A. Smirnov, A.I. Sobolev, T.S. Yakunina

Reference: Patent, 10.02.2004, Moscow patent holder: Moscow State Enterprise – Joint Environmental-Technological Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste and the protection of the environment (SIA “Radon”)

Keywords: industrial territory, tritium, sampling, soil, water, snow

Abstract: Usage: for specialized facilities for radioactive waste management. Substance: : The method is applied for sampling of surface water, ground and underground waters, snow cover and soil in high security zones, health protection zones and surveillance zones of industrial enterprises. In addition, it carries a selection of control samples of soil and water from plots located outside the influence of the enterprise, not being subjected to contamination by tritium from other industry.

URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/222/2223517.html
