Prevention of health problems in youth of premilitary age and inductees from the technologically-contaminated districts of the Bryansk region.
Title: Prevention of health disorders in youth of premilitary age and inductees from the technologically-contaminated districts of the Bryansk region.
Author: Agafonova, Irina Vitalyevna
Reference: Moscow, 2008
Keywords: prevention, health disorders, youth of premilitary age, inductees, physical health, psychological health, technologically-polluted areas, Bryansk region
Abstract: Objective: ecological and hygienic substantiation of preventive measures, to strengthen the physical and psychological health of premilitary and military ages (inductees) under the impact of technological environment with ecological and social issues.
Bryansk Regionhealth disordersinducteesphysical healthpsychological healthtechnologically-polluted areasyouth of premilitary age