Radiocontamination of the environment and its effects on the mother and fetuses – III. Part II – Retention of cesium 137 by pregnant women, placentae and infants.
Title: Radiocontamination of the environment and its effects on the mother and fetuses – III. Part II – Retention of cesium 137 by pregnant women, placentae and infants.
Author: Nagai T, Iinuma TA, Uchiyama M, Ishimara T, Yashiro S, Sternberg J.
Reference: Int J Appl Radiat Isot 1970; 21: 363–374.
Keywords: radiocontamination, cesium 137, pregnancy
Abstract: In the mature placenta, concns. of stable K and 137Cs were 1.61 g/kg and 22 pCi/kg, resp. In pregnant women, the K content, determined by whole-body counting, followed the accumulation by the fetus, with the amount of 137Cs-remaining approx. constant at 3.4-4.7 nCi/kg. in the last 5 months before delivery. In infants, a linear relation was noted between total K and body weight, with a constant amount of K/kg. The 137Cs body burden was irregular. Doses from 137Cs in Osaka during the last trimester were 0.032, 0.02, and 0.016 millirem to mother, placenta, and fetus, resp., only ~1% of that received from naturally occurring 40K. Thus, the radiation received by the placenta from 137Cs is negligible.