
タグ「цитогенетическое нарушение」

Dynamics of cytogenetic damage in children and adolescents living in the contaminated areas after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Author: V.V. Tsepenko

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of biology, Obninsk, 2004

Keywords: chromosome aberrations, children, adolescents, frequency


1.1.              Spontaneous level of chromosome aberrations in the culture of human lymphocytes. 1.1.1. The frequency of unstable chromosome aberrations in the controlled groups of children and adolescents. 1.1.2. The frequency of stable chromosome aberrations in the controlled groups of children and adolescents.

1.2.             The frequency of chromosome aberrations in children and adolescents living in the contaminated areas. 1.2.1. The frequency of unstable chromosome aberrations. 1.2.2. The frequency of stable chromosome aberrations.

1.3.             The frequency of stable and unstable chromosome aberrations in prenatally exposed children.

1.4.             The frequency of chromosome aberrations in children and adolescents with a high dose of load and pathologies of the thyroid gland, living in the contaminated areas and exposed to iodine exposure as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

1.5.             Multiaberrant cells. …

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/dinamika-tsitogeneticheskikh-narushenii-u-detei-i-podrostkov-prozhivayushchikh-na-zagryaznen
