Title:Post-chernobyl thyroid carcinoma in Belarus children and adolescents: Comparison with naturally occurring thyroid carcinoma in Italy and France
Author:Pacini Furio, Vorontsova Tatiana, Demidchik Eugeni P., Molinaro Eleonora, Agate Laura, Romei Cristina, Shavrova Elena, Cherstvoy Eugeny D., Ivashkevitch Yuriy, Kuchinskaya Elvira, Schlumberger Marin, Ronga Giuseppe, Filesi Mauro, Pinchera Aldo
Reference: J. Clin. Endocrinol. and Metab. N 11, 1997, т.82, стр.3563-3569
URL: http://sci-pub.info/ref/340925/
Title: High prevalence of RET rearrangement in thyroid tumors of children from Belarus after the Chernobyl reactor accident
Author:Klugbauer S., Lengfelder E., Demidchik E.P., Rabes H.M.
Reference:Oncogene N 12, 1995, т.11, стр.2459-2467
Reference: Радиация и риск (Radiation and risk (Bulletin of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry)), 1999 Release Number: S2
Keywords: Russia, Belarus, register
Abstract: In the frame of this study problem about the introduction of a unified technology of collection and analysis of personalized information, in the State Register of Russia and Belarus, to establish the Unified Register of Russia and Belarus of thyroid cancer, for persons exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, was solved.
The volume and quality of the information collected was determind.
Issues on cooperation between experts of the two countries and prospects of further development of the Single Registry was discussed and solved.
Author: E.Ya. Sosnovskaya, E.K. Kapitonova
Reference: Медицинские новости. — 2004. — №11. — С. 13-15
Keywords: Belorussia, medical aid
Abstract: Experience of the liquidation of Chernobyl tells us that minimization of aftermaths of a radiation accident to the population greatly depends on the organization and effectiveness of the authorities of health protection. The article concerns problems of information system in the medical society, clinic-epidemiologic surveys etc.
URL: http://www.mednovosti.by/journal.aspx?article=2075
Author: L.A. Postoyalko
Reference: Медицинские новости (Medical news), 2004
Keywords: Belorussia
Abstract: The Chernobyl catastrophe caused multiple serious and long-term problems, affecting vital interests of millions of people and their health condition…
In the zones of radiation contamination negative demographic tendency has been detected. Radiation-caused incidence has increased. Other stochastic effects, to the full, under chronic low-dose exposure or during rather long-term latent periods of irradiation, have not been confirmed.
URL: http://www.mednovosti.by/journal.aspx?article=2073
Author: H. Zitzelsberger, J. Smida, K. Salassidis, L. Heiber, M. Bauchinger
Reference: Zitzelsberger et al. / International journal of radiation medicine 1999, 34 (34): 1719
Abstract: Since 1992, tissue specimens from 264 childhood thyroid tumours from Belarus were received by the Institute of Radiobiology at GSF. For control, tumour samples from Belarussian adults, papillary carcinomas without radiation history and secondary thyroid tumours developed after radiotherapy were also collected. Based on this tissue and cell culture collection, several molecular cytogenetic studies were carried out investigating aberrations in subgroups of these tumours at the chromosomal and molecular level. These studies include the quantification of chromosomal aberrations by FISH-painting (Lehmann L. et al., 1996), G-banding and breakpoint analyses of chromosomal aberrations (Lehmann L. et al., 1997; Zitzelsberger H. et al., in press), analyses of p53 mutations (Smida J. et al., 1997) and RET rearrangements (Smida J. et al., in press) and an expression profiling of activated tyrosine kinase genes. This presentation focuses on cytogenetic studies and the investigation of RET rearrangements
URL: http://www.physiciansofchernobyl.org.ua/magazine/PDFS/3-4_1999/3_3_99_61.pdf
Author: G. Goulko
Reference: International journal of radiation medicine GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health Institute for Radiation Protection, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany
Abstract: Thyroid cancer incidence in exposed children is increased in the most contaminated areas during last 5.8 years (Buglova E.E. et al., 1996; Ivannov V.K. et al., 1997; Goulko G. et al., 1998; Jacob P. et al., 1998). These results generally confirm first predictions about expected thyroid cancer rate made for the selected areas of Ukraine in 1991 (Likhtarev I.A. et al., 1993). During the time passed after the Chernobyl accident a lot of efforts were made in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia to improve thyroid dose estimates due to 131I (Pitkevich V.A. et al., 1993; Zvonova I.A., Balonov M.I., 1993; Likhtarev I.A. et al., 1994. 1996; Tsyb A.F. et al., 1994; Gavrilin Y. et al., 1996; Goulko G.M. et al., 1996, 1998; Drozdovitch V.V. et al., 1997). Increased interest to this problem initiated several epidemiological studies considering different groups of people exposed in childhood due to the Chernobyl accident.
URL: http://www.physiciansofchernobyl.org.ua/magazine/PDFS/3-4_1999/3_3_99_60.pdf
Author: P. Jacob
Reference: International journal of radiation medicine 1999, 3.4 (3.4): 7.10
Abstract: A large increase of the thyroid cancer incidence among those who were children at the time of the accident was observed in Belarus and in Ukraine (Kazakov V.S. et al., 1992; Likhtarev I.A. et al., 1995). The increase in Belarus among those who were younger than 18 years at the time of the accident started in 1989 with a linear rise to about 140 cases per year in 1994 and then staying up to 1996 (the last date of published data) on a constant level (Buglova E. et al., 1997). A case-control study indicated a strong relationship between thyroid cancer and estimated radiation dose from the Chernobyl accident (Astakova L.N. et al., 1998). An aggregate study of the thyroid cancer after Chernobyl has shown the large potential of such studies for deriving quantitative information on the cancer risk due to 131I incorporation
URL: http://www.physiciansofchernobyl.org.ua/magazine/PDFS/3-4_1999/3_3_99_59.pdf
Reference: WHO Chernobyl Forum, 2003-2005 second, revised publishment
Abstract: 1. Chernobyl’s Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-economic impact
Main results of studies of the Chernobyl Forum
Preface: The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
Medical consequences: Report from the Forum’ Expert Group
Environmental implications: Report from the Forum’ Expert Group
Socio-economic consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
2. Recommendations to the Governments of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine
Recommendations relating to health and medical research
Recommendations for monitoring the environment and its Rehabilitation and Research
Recommendations for Economic and Social Policy
URL: http://www.who.int/ionizing_radiation/chernobyl/chernobyl_digest_report_RUS.pdf