Title:Health conditions among workers who participated in the cleanup of the Chernobyl accident
Author:Kamarli Z., Abdulina A.
Reference:World Health Statist. Quart. N 1, 1996, т.49, стр.29-31
Keywords:radiation accident; Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant; long-term effects; morbidity; disability; liquidators; radioactive pollution; population; health status; Kyrgyzstan; medical and dosimetric register
URL:URL: http://sci-pub.info/ref/13411/
Author: VK Ivanov, AF Tsyb, MA Maksyutov, AI Gorsky, TA Marchenko, OV Kaidalov, AM Korelo et al.
Reference: Радиация и риск (Radiation and risk), 2005 no. 3
Thyroid Cancer shows us the necessity to revise the idea of magnitude of radiation risk from before Chernobyl. / three sites of solid cancers (all solid cancers, malignant tumors of the digestive system… ) /
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/osnovnye-rezultaty-radiatsionno-epidemiologicheskogo-analiza-dannyh-rgmdr-k-20-letiyu-chernobylya
Author: G. Goulko
Reference: International journal of radiation medicine GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health Institute for Radiation Protection, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany
Abstract: Thyroid cancer incidence in exposed children is increased in the most contaminated areas during last 5.8 years (Buglova E.E. et al., 1996; Ivannov V.K. et al., 1997; Goulko G. et al., 1998; Jacob P. et al., 1998). These results generally confirm first predictions about expected thyroid cancer rate made for the selected areas of Ukraine in 1991 (Likhtarev I.A. et al., 1993). During the time passed after the Chernobyl accident a lot of efforts were made in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia to improve thyroid dose estimates due to 131I (Pitkevich V.A. et al., 1993; Zvonova I.A., Balonov M.I., 1993; Likhtarev I.A. et al., 1994. 1996; Tsyb A.F. et al., 1994; Gavrilin Y. et al., 1996; Goulko G.M. et al., 1996, 1998; Drozdovitch V.V. et al., 1997). Increased interest to this problem initiated several epidemiological studies considering different groups of people exposed in childhood due to the Chernobyl accident.
URL: http://www.physiciansofchernobyl.org.ua/magazine/PDFS/3-4_1999/3_3_99_60.pdf
Author: S.M. Shinkarev
Reference: Dissertation, 2009
Keywords: absorbed doses
Abstract: Development of scientific – methodological bases of estimation of individually absorbed doses of radiation (radioactive isotopes of iodine) in the thyroid gland as results of operational radiometric survey of the population at large radiation accident. For example: the inhabitants of Belarus after the Chernobyl accident.
URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/nauchno-metodicheskie-osnovy-otsenki-individualnykh-pogloshchennykh-doz-v-shchitovidnoi-zhel?_openstat=cmVmZXJ1bi5jb207bm9kZTthZDE7