

The study of Chernobyl clean-up workers from Lithuania

Author: Kesminiene A.Z., Kurtinaitis J., Rimdeika G.

Reference: Acta Med. Lituanica. — 1997. — Vol. 2. — P. 55–61.

Study of lymphocyte activation reactions to neuro-specific antigenes in Сhernobyl clean-up workers against the doses of radiation exposure

Author: V.I. Khomenko

Reference: Український медичний часопис. (Ukirainian Medical magazine), 2008

Keywords: Chernobyl accident, autoimmune reactions, protein S-100, myelin basic protein

Abstract: In Chernobyl clean-up workers with cerebrovascular pathology who were irradiated with a range of doses from 30 to 94 cSv the reliable rise of HLA-DR+ lymphocytes activation under protein S-100 stimulation is revealed in comparison with those irradiated in doses up to 30 cSv. It probably testify to the alteration of the glial structures in the central nervous system (CNS) and blood-brain barrier (BBB), that increases under the higher doses irradiation. Glial and endothelial cells of brain vessels are elements of BBB. Conclusions about a probable increase of permeability of the BBB in Chernobyl clean-up workers with cerebrovascular pathology who were irradiated in a range of doses from 30 to 94 cSv, correspond to the results of other studies that have demonstrated an increase of the cerebrovascular discirculation with development of the white and grey brain matter atrophy with the threshold dose for occurrence of these changes 30 cSv. Delay of the HLA-DR+ lymphocyte activation that we observed below this threshold dose is probably connected with the influence of CD4-8+-Т cells on the lymphocyte activation.

URL: http://www.umj.com.ua/article/2215/stan-aktivacijnix-reakcij-limfocitiv-na-nejrospecifichni-antigeni-v-ulna-na-chaes-zalezhno-vid-doz-oprominennya

Epidemiological studies of mortality from non-neoplastic diseases in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident

Author: V.M. Tereschenko, V.O. Buzunov, N.I. Strii

Reference: Проблеми радіаційної медицини та радіобіології. (Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology), 2008

Abstract: no information on web. For details contact the editor: vkpand@ukr.net

Ukrainian title: Епідеміологічні дослідження смертності від непухлинних хвороб в учасників ліквідації наслідків аварії на ЧАЕС

Pathological condition of workers in the exclusion zone (1986-1992)

Author: V.D. Vokhmekov, G.P. Maralina, L.V. Volkova, E.G. Ganzha

Reference: Проблеми Чорнобильської зони відчуження (Problems of the Chernobyl exclusion zone), 1994

Abstract: No information on web

Syndrome of alcohol dependence in participants of liquidation after the Chernobyl accident: clinical epidemiology and treatment

Author: V.M. Postrelko

Reference: Diss.doc.med.sci. Scientific Centre on Radiation Medicine NAMS of Ukraine, 2010

URL: http://info.odmu.edu.ua/lib/catalog/78581

Structural cerebral basis of disorder of the functional state of the brain in Chernobyl liquidators

Author: Loganovsky K.M., Bomko M.O.

Reference: Медичні наслідки аварії на ЧАЕС (Health effects of the Chernobyl accident), 2007

Abstract: No information on web. ・For detailed information on the article contact the National Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine of Ukraine. The center’s home page is: http://www.national.rcrm.net.ua/index.php/en/

Risk factors for long-term mental and psychosomatic distress in Latvian Chernobyl liquidators

Title: Risk factors for long-term mental and psychosomatic distress in Latvian Chernobyl liquidators

Author: J F Viel, E Curbakova, B Dzerve, M Eglite, T Zvagule, and C Vincent

Reference: Environ Health Perspect. 1997 December; 105(Suppl 6): 1539–1544.

Keywords: Risk factors, mental distress, psychosomatic disorders,  Latvia, liquidators

Abstract: Epidemiologic studies on the health effects of the Chernobyl disaster have focused largely on physical health, whereas the psychological consequences have received little attention. The authors have assessed the associations of various exposure variables with mental and psychosomatic distress in a sample of 1412 Latvian liquidators drawn from the State Latvian Chernobyl Clean-up Workers Registry.

URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1469928/

Worse Than Radiation and 7 Odd Chernobyl Stories

Title: Worse Than Radiation and 7 Odd Chernobyl Stories

Author: Sergii Mirnyi. Ed. Frank Williams, trans. Igor Ilyin, Alexander Kalinichenko, Sergii Mirnyi, Frank Williams, and Victor Yevmenov

Reference: Budapest: Bogar Kiado, 2001. 77 pp

Keywords: Chernobyl, stories, novel, liquidators

Abstract: In the days, weeks, and months following the Chernobyl nuclear disaster on April 26, 1986, an untold number of civilians and military personnel suffered radiation poisoning and died trying to seal Chernobyl’s collapsed fourth reactor and decontaminate the surrounding countryside. Among those who witnessed this haphazard and dangerous clean-up effort firsthand was writer, scientist, and former platoon commander Sergii Mirnyi. His short novel, Worse Than Radiation, is a two-part account of one reconnaissance platoon’s efforts to meticulously document the radioactive fallout near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Unlike the narrative of heroic liquidators featured in state propaganda, it is a tale not of sacrifice and selfless deeds but of daily routine that offers glimpses into the life of workers in “the zone“.

URL: https://www.scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/aeer/article/view/2001/1972


The nervous system in individuals exposed to chronic occupational exposure of ionizing radiation

Author: Azizova T.B.

Reference: Candidate of medical sciences, 1999, Moscow

Keywords: neurology, personnel aged 35-45, syndrome

Abstract: The work presents a comprehensive view on the newest, by then, results of research made on the effect of ionizing radiation on the nervous system. Atomic neurology is a relatively new field of science, hence, this article has a value of being one of the earliest comprehensive works on the topic. The work describes details of syndromes detected in the liquidators of Chernobyl. Epidemiological data are shown.


Endoscopic diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract diseases among Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident liquidators in the remote period

Title: Endoscopic diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract diseases among Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident liquidators in the remote period

Author: Ivanova, Svetlana Vasilyevna

Reference: Moscow, 2005

Keywords: radiodiagnosis, radiation therapy, endoscopic diagnosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liquidators, remote period after the accident

Abstract: Research aim; to study the structure and characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract diseases among Chernobyl nuclear power plant liquidators in the late period with the subsequent development of recommendations for diagnostic procedures and dispensary observation of this contingent of patients.

