
タグ「off-budget support of science activities」

Experience of operational information support of scientific research in the MRRC RAMS

Title: Experience of operational information support of scientific research in the MRRC RAMS

Author: Tsyb A.F., Savina N.P., Filippova S.A., Maznev V.A.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2010 vol.19 No.1

Keywords: off-budget support of science activities, radiation

Abstract: Information on 724 grants received by MRRC RAMS scientific workers in the years 1993-2009 was given using domestic and international information resources in electronic and print media. The results of processing and analyzing databases enabled to characterize the activity of scientific workers in MRRC RAMS sectors aimed at receiving financial support for the science activities in the field of medical radiology, radiobiology and radiation epidemiology, sum up, highlight problems and prospects. Peculiarities of non-competitive financing of the science were considered. Difficulties in financing innovative projects were analyzed.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/opyt-raboty-sluzhby-operativnoy-informatsionnoy-podderzhki-nauchnyh-issledovaniy-v-mrnts-ramn-1993-2009-gg

