Title: Strategy for population protection and area rehabilitation in Russia in the remote period after the Chernobyl accident
Author: Balonov MI, Anisimova LI, Perminova GS
Reference: J Radiol Prot 19:261–269, (1999)
doi: 10.1088/0952-4746/19/3/304
Keywords : population, contamination, protection, radionuclides
Abstract: The report presents the history of the development of criteria for radiation and social protection of the Russian population residing in the areas contaminated with radionuclides after the Chernobyl accident, in the remote time periods after the accident. The tendencies for reduction of standards with time are shown, and their causes are analysed. It is noted that the optimization principle was not applied in the explicit form for population protection. The current radiation situation in the contaminated areas of Russia is described, and the future situation is forecast. Main pathways of external and internal population exposure are described. Modern possibilities for reduction of the population exposure dose are discussed. The authors propose promising criteria and methods for population protection and rehabilitation of contaminated areas in Russia.
URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/0952-4746/19/3/304/
Title: Comparison of radionuclide ratios in atmospheric nuclear explosions and nuclear releases from Chernobyl and Fukushima seen in gamma ray spectrometry
Author: J. I. Friese, R. F. Kephart, D. D. Lucas
Reference: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , May 2013, Volume 296, Issue 2, pp 899-903
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-012-2213-0
Keywords : CTBT, Chernobyl, Fukushima, Radionuclide monitoring, Gamma spectroscopy
Abstract: The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty has remote radionuclide monitoring followed by an On Site Inspection (OSI) to clarify the nature of a suspect event as part of its verification regime. An important aspect of radionuclide measurements on site is the discrimination of other potential sources of similar radionuclides such as reactor accidents or medical isotope production. The Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear reactor disasters offer two different reactor source term environmental inputs that can be compared against historical measurements of nuclear explosions. The comparison of whole-sample gamma spectrometry measurements from these three events and the analysis of similarities and differences are presented. This analysis is a step toward confirming what is needed for measurements during an OSI under the auspices of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Title: Content of Radionuclides of Chernobyl Origin in Food Products for the Belarusian Population
Author: Vladimir P. MATSKO and Tetsuji IMANAKA
Reference: Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, July 2002
Keywords: Belarus, food, population, radionuclides
Abstract: Recent data on radionuclide contents of Chernobyl origin in food products and drinking water for the Belarusian population are reviewed. Strontium-90 and Cesium-137 are main radionuclides contributing to internal irradiation to the population. Contamination levels in food products from the social sector of agriculture (collective farms, agricultural co-operatives) are found to be generally below the current legal admissible level of RAL-99 that are defined to make internal dose of the population less than 1 mSv/yr. On the other hand, exceedings of RAL-99 are often found in food products from the private sector, especially in settlements of Gomel region where the contamination is the most serious in Belarus. Special attention should be paid to the non-farm products in the contaminated areas: mushrooms, berries, fish and meat of wild animals. For example, about 37,000 Bq/kg of 137Cs in fresh mushroom was registered in a settlement of Gomel region, which corresponds to 100 times of RAL-99 values. Concerning drinking water, the situation is quite good and no execeedings have been registered for the last 10 years.
Title: Doses and risks from the water use received by the population of southwest areas of Bryansk region
Author: Katkova M.N.
Reference: Journal: Radiation and Risk (Bulletin of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry), Year: 2008, Volume: 17, Issue: 1
Keywords: exposure dose, water use, risk, radionuclides of 90 Sr and 137Cs, Chernobyl accident
Abstract: In the present work the estimation of risk for the population of southwest areas of Bryansk region exposed to radiation fallout after Chernobyl accident is carried out. The life risk of disease for the population of the specified areas is estimated by a cancer through a dose received from water use. The basic ways of radionuclide receipt in an organism of inhabitants of southwest areas of Bryansk region on a water chain are: an external exposure from polluted flood-land of water body, consumption of water from the sources of the drinking water supply located in the polluted zone, and consumption of fish caught from a local water body. As object of research the population living in area of Lake Kozhanovskoe is accepted. The contribution of radionuclides o f9 Sr and 137Cs in a total dose from water use is estimated. Priority sources of risk for the population from water use to which it is necessary to pay special attention at carrying out of protective actions in the specified territories are revealed.
Title: Value and structure of radiation dose for emergency workers as a function of the radiation emergency mitigation phase and activity
Author: Meshkov N.A.
Reference: Journal: Radiation and Risk (Bulletin of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry), Year: 2009 Volume: 18 Issue: 1
Keywords: Chernobyl disaster, radionuclides, volumetric activity, entering organism, liquidators, the nature of work being performed, 137Cs content in organism, Radiation doses, radiation dose structure
Abstract: There was performed a research of the radiation dose size and radiation dose structure of those who participated in the elimination of the Chernobyl disaster consequences. It was established that the levels of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239Pu received by means of inhaling by the «liquidators» worked at the Chernobyl atomic power station site in June and July of 1986 did not exceed the limits set by radiation standards-76/87 of that time. The average radiation doses of the «liquidators» in 1986, 1987 and 1988 were 186, 98 and 47 mGy, respectively. The most dangerous exposure to radiation was received by those who participated in the decontamination of the third power generating unit of the Chernobyl atomic power station in June and July of 1986, their radiation doses being from 205,0±10,0 to 242,0±5,6 mGy. The body burden structure of the «liquidators» participated in the elimination in 1986 consisted of exposure radiation dose of external gamma irradiation (86 %), external beta irradiation (10 %) and internal irradiation caused by inhaling radionuclides (4 %). It was established that body burden was influenced by the following factors: the level of air and area radioactive contamination, duration of work in the contaminated areas, the nature of work being performed and personal protective equipment efficacy.
Author: Demichev D.M.
Reference: “Legal science” 2012 No.3
Abstract: in article social, economic, medical and legal consequences of accident on the Chernobyl NPP in Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation reveal, the role of state authorities in realization of joint programs on overcoming of the specified consequences within the Union State reveals, offers on improvement of functioning of the mechanism of rehabilitation of the polluted territories locate.
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/organizatsionno-pravovye-problemy-minimizatsii-posledstviy-chernobylskoy-katastrofy-v-ramkah-soyuznogo-gosudarstva-belarusi-i-rossii
Title: Bioaccumulation of radionuclides in higher fungi in Penza region’s forest ecosystems
Author: Plotnikov, Mihail Alexeyevich
Reference: B.M., 2011
Keywords: bioaccumulation, radionuclides, mushrooms, forest ecosystems, Penza region
Abstract: The aim of the research; to study the nature of bioaccumulation of radionuclides by fruit bodies of higher fungi in forest ecosystems of the Penza region.
Title: Dynamic modeling of the radionuclides transfer within hydrobiocenosis and assessing the consequences of radioactive contamination for biota and human
Author: Kryshev, Alexander Ivanovich
Reference: Obninsk, 2008
Keywords: biota, humans, radionuclides, environment, radiation monitoring, hydrobiocenosis, water reservoirs
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated assessment model of the effects of radioactive contamination of hydrobiocenosis on biota and humans, based on the information about the entry of radionuclides into the environment and the radiation monitoring data.
Title:Scientific-technical basis of forest management on the radioactive polluted territories
Author: Bovkunov, Vladimir Mikhailovich
Reference: Bryansk, 2000
Keywords: radionuclides, forest management, Bryansk region
Abstract: The purpose of the study. To develop and validate the scientific and technical basis of forest management activities in the forests, contaminated with radionuclides as in the example of Bryansk region that was contaminated due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Author: Dementyev Dmitry V., Bolsunovsky Alexander Ya.
Reference: Journal of Siberian Federal University
ISSN: 1997-1389
DOI: 579.5:539.752+577(T2-575):582.16
Keywords: radionuclides; transfer factor; mushrooms; shrubs
Abstract: The study addresses accumulation of radionuclides by mushrooms and berry shrubs from the forest soil in the area around the Mining-and-Chemical Combine (the Krasnoyarskii Krai, Russia). The Suillus granulatus and S. luteus mushrooms have been found to be the best bioindicators in this area. The level of 137Cs concentration in these species can reach 10 kBq/kg dry mass. The 137Cs transfer factor (TF) by the mushrooms varies 5-fold among the sites that receive radionuclides from different sources. The level of radionuclide activities accumulated by berry shrubs is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than the activities accumulated by mushrooms. Based on the calculated TFs, the distribution of 137Cs and 60Co among the parts of these shrubs is as follows: branches
URL: http://journal.sfu-kras.ru/en/article/1460/178