
Increase of Regional Total Cancer Incidence in North Sweden Due to the Chernobyl Accident?

Title: Increase of Regional Total Cancer Incidence in North Sweden Due to the Chernobyl Accident?

Author: Martin Tondel

Reference: [PDF-43K]May 2008


Abstract: In Europe concerns about the consequences of the Chernobyl accident have focused on childhood malignancies, especially leukaemia, assumed to have a short latency period after irradiation. Several studies have been performed outside the former Soviet Union, but none has shown any clear relationship with the fallout from the Chernobyl accident. However, children exposed during pregnancy have shown an increased risk of leukaemia in Greece, Germany and Ukraine, but not in Belarus. A recent study from Ukraine reports an increase in adult leukaemia after exposure from Chernobyl radiation. In Belarus, Ukraine and the western part of Russia, there has been a dramatic increase in thyroid cancer incidence in children related to the accident. In other parts of Europe a similar increase in thyroid cancer has been seen in adults…

URL: http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/NSRG/reports/kr139/pdf/tondel.pdf


