


Author: LM Irgens, RT Lie, M Ulstein, T Skeie Jensen, R Skjærven, F Sivertsen, JB Reitan, F Strand, T Strand, F Egil Skjeldestad

Reference: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 45, Issue 6, 1991, Pages 233-241

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0753-3322(91)90023-M

Keywords: Pregnancy outcome, Chernobyl, Norway

Abstract: Pregnancy outcome has been studied in terms of legal abortions, early spontaneous abortions and total number of pregnancies (in an ad hoc study covering 6 counties) as well as various perinatal health problems (on the basis of routinely recorded data for epidemiological surveillance from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway). Apparently, no effects were observed in terms of an increased occurrence of legal abortions, while spontaneous abortions increased from 2.4% of all pregnancies during the last 12 months before the accident to 3% after the accident. At the same time, the total number of pregnancies somewhat decreased. Based on monthly measurements in each municipality of external and internal (food-based) doses, dose-response associations were assessed for a number of perinatal health problems. No associations were observed.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/075333229190023M


Title: Incidence of legal abortion in Sweden after the Chernobyl accident

Author: V Odlind, A Ericson

Reference: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 45, Issue 6, 1991, Pages 225-228

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0753-3322(91)90021-K

Keywords: Chernobyl, abortion

Abstract: The number of legal abortions in Sweden increased around the time of the Chernobyl accident, particularly in the summer and autumn of 1986. Although there was no recording of reasons for legal abortions, one might have suspected this increase to be a result of fear and anxiety after the accident. However, seen over a longer time perspective, the increase in the number of abortions started before and continued far beyond the time of the accident. There was also a simultaneous and pronounced increase in the number of births during the years subsequent to the accident. Therefore, it seems unlikely that fear of the consequences of radioactive fall-out after the Chernobyl accident resulted in any substantial increase of the number of legal abortions in Sweden.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/075333229190021K


Title: Mini-and microsatellite mutations in children from Chernobyl accident cleanup workers

Author: Robbert J.C Slebos, Ruth E Little, David M Umbach, Yurij Antipkin, Tamara D Zadaorozhnaja, Nikola A Mendel, Courtney A Sommer, Kathleen Conway, Eloise Parrish, Sara Gulino, Jack A Taylor

Reference: Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, Volume 559, Issues 1–2, 11 April 2004, Pages 143-151

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mrgentox.2004.01.003

Keywords: Minisatellite, Microsatellite, Germline mutation, Chernobyl accident

Abstract: Knowledge about possible genotoxic effects of low-dose radiation on the human germline is limited and relies primarily on extrapolations from high-dose exposures. To test whether ionizing radiation can cause paternal genetic mutations that are transmitted to offspring, we enrolled families of 88 Chernobyl cleanup workers exposed to ionizing radiation. We analyzed DNA isolated from lymphocytes for mutations via DNA blotting with the multi-locus minisatellite probes 33.6 and 33.15 and via PCR in a panel of six tetranucleotide repeats. Children conceived before and children conceived after their father’s exposure showed no statistically significant differences in mutation frequencies. We saw an increase in germline microsatellite mutations after radiation exposure that was not statistically significant. We found no dependence of mutation rate on increasing exposure. A novel finding was that the tetranucleotide marker D7S1482 demonstrated germline hypermutability. In conclusion, our results do not support an increased level of germline minisatellite mutations but suggest a modest increase in germline mutations in tetranucleotide repeats. Small sample size, however, limited statistical power.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383571804000099


Title: The influence of the post-Chernobyl fall out on birth defects and abortion rates in Austria

Author: Martin C.H. Haeusler, Andrea Berghold, Wolfgang Schoell, Peter Hofer, Monika Schaffer

Reference: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 167, Issue 4, Part 1, October 1992, Pages 1025-1031

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0002-9378(12)80032-9

Keywords: Abnormalities, congenital, abortion, epidemiology, radioactive fallout, registries, Austria

Abstract: The influence of the radioactive fallout after the Chernobyl disaster on the rate and regional distribution of birth defects and abortion rates in southern Austria was analyzed.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002937812800329

キエフに住む母親達の精神衛生とリスクの認識 チェルノブイリ事故から19年が経過して (英語)


典拠:Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2011



URL: http://isp.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/08/02/0020764011415204.abstract



典拠:J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (臨床内分泌学・代謝誌)、2009







URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19106267

子宮内でチェルノブイリで被ばくしたこどもの健康状態:1989年から2003年の報告と 優先する予防プログラムの影響

Title: Health status of children exposed to the Chernobyl accident in utero: observations in 1989-2003 and the implications for prioritizing prophylactic programs

Author: Nataliya A. Korol, Yoshisada Shibata

Reference: Radiation Health Risk Sciences, 2009, pp 271-276

doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-88659-4_35

Keywords: Chernobyl accident, Exposed in utero, Somatic diseases, Neurotic disorders, Prophylactic programs

Abstract: To elucidate the health effects of exposure in utero to the Chernobyl accident, we compared the health status of 406 children (201 boys and 205 girls) born from women pregnant at the time of the accident (exposed group), and 406 children matched for gender and year of birth (control group) born from mothers who had been living in the same district of Kiev as mothers of the exposed group since before the accident, on the basis of biennial checkup results from 1989 through 2003. Prevalence was significantly higher in the exposed group than in the control group in bronchitis, liver system disorders, and stomach disorders observed in 1995– 2003 and in vegetative nervous system disorder and cardiovascular disorders observed in 1997–2003. The prevalence of neurotic disorders was significantly higher in the exposed group than in the control group in 1989–1997; it increased dramatically until 1993, then decreased dramatically in 1995–1997, and the difference diminished in effect in 1999–2003. The results of the present study suggest the effectiveness of the massive psychosocial support programs launched in 1993 by national and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) for those exposed in utero as a “social target group.” People exposed in utero are still in need of prophylactic intervention with the emphasis on bronchitis, stomach disorders, liver system disorders, cardiovascular disorders, and vegetative nervous system disorder.

URL: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-4-431-88659-4_35



著者:タオルミナD. P., ロゼンブラットS., グエイL. T., グルズマンS. F., カールソンG. A., ハヴェナーJ. M., ザホジャV., コトフR., ブロメットE. J.

典拠:Psychol Med.、2008年4月、38(4)、489-97頁。

doi: 10.1017/S0033291707002462






著者:コロミンスキーY., イグムノフS., ドロズドヴィッチV.

典拠:J Child Psychol Psychiatry、1999年2月、40(2)、299-305頁。



概要:本研究では、1986年チェルノブイリ事故の際に出生前放射線被ばくを被った6-7歳および10-11歳の138名の子どもたちの精神発達について検証した。これらの子どもたちを、ベラルーシの非汚染地域の同年齢の122名の子どもたちから成る統制群と比較した。この検査には、神経学的および精神医学的検査、知的評価、両親の臨床心理学的研究、および子宮内甲状腺被ばくの評価も含まれている。統制群と比較すると、被ばくグループにおいては心理的障害の相対的増加が明らかに見られ、特定の言語発達障害(6-7歳:18.1%対8.2%、 10-11歳:10.1%対3.3%)そして情動障害(6-7歳:20.3%対7.4%、 10-11歳:18.1%対7.4%)の有病率が高かった。被ばくグループの平均IQは統制群のそれより低く、境界域IQ(IQ = 70-79)がより多く見られた(6-7歳:15.9%対5.7%、 10-11歳:10.1%対3.3%)。子宮内被ばくした子どもたちのヨウ素1310.4Gyの甲状腺線量の平均値を計算した。6-7歳および10-11歳児の個々の甲状腺線量とIQの間に相関関係は見られなかった。子どものIQとその親の教育レベルの間には一定の相関関係が積極的に認められた。両親における高い個人的不安と子供の情緒障害の間には一定の相関関係があった。結論としては、親の低い教育レベル、汚染地域からの避難や移転後に生じたミクロ社会的コンタクトの破たんや順応困難といった望ましくない社会的心理的、社会文化的要因が、被ばくした子どもたちのグループにおける境界的知的機能の発生、特定の言語発達障害、言語および学力スキル、そして情緒障害において重要な役割を果たしているといえる。




著者:ハイエルバングK. S., メドニクS., サンデットK., ランドB.

典拠:Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health、2011年、5:12。




