

Title: Chernobyl: An Unbelievable Failure to Help

Author: Rosalie Bertell

Reference: International Journal of Health Services March 2008, Vol. 38(3), pp. 543-60.

Keywords: The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), United Nations, International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA), World Health Organization (WHO)

Abstract: The disaster at the Chernobyl power reactor near Kiev, which began on 26 April 1986, at 1:21 AM, was one of the worst industrial accidents ever suffered in the world. Yet the global community, which is usually most generous in pouring out aid to a stricken community, has been slow to understand the scope of this disaster and to reach out to the most devastated people of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. It is the purpose of this discussion to probe the causes of the confusion of perception and failure of response to the needs of these victims. Clearly the problem is one of communication, and the true picture has not been well communicated to concerned people of all countries and faiths.

URL: http://www.ratical.org/radiation/Chernobyl/CaUFtH.html



