


典拠:NEWSru.com 2007年4月10日


概要: Natural Environment Research Councilがショッキングな研究結果を公表した。チェルノブイリ原発事故被害による人体への放射線被害が、予想されているものより低く、過食ほどの健康被害並みというのである。チェルノブイリの被害については論争があるが、昨年のコロンビア大学による研究では、チェルノブイリによって甲状腺癌の罹患率が急増しており、その原因は放射性物質が食物についたためである。・・・

URL: http://www.newsru.ru/world/10apr2007/4ernobyl.html



著者: ヤヴォロフスキー Z.

典拠:原子力エネルギー 86巻、1999年

キーワード: 影響、小児甲状腺癌


URL: http://www.ecoatominf.ru/divers/ch.htm



著者: パブロフスカヤ N.

典拠:RMJ Независимое издание для практикующих врачей



URL: www.rmj.ru



Author: Zbigniew Jaworowski

Reference: International Journal of Low Radiation 2006 – Vol. 3, No.4 pp. 319 – 324

DOI: 10.1504/IJLR.2006.012006

Keywords: Belarus; Chernobyl, health consequences, irrational fear, radiophobia, Russia, Ukraine, UNSCEAR, contamination

Abstract: People living in contaminated regions of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine ‘need not live in fear of serious health consequences’ and UNSCEAR forecasts that ‘generally positive’ prospects for the future health of most individuals should prevail.

URL: http://ecolo.org/documents/documents_in_english/cherno-zbigniew_fear-06.htm


Title: A tale of two forests: addressing postnuclear radiation at Chernobyl and Fukushima

Author: Winifred A. Bird and Jane Braxton Little

Reference: Environ Health Perspect. 2013 March; 121(3): a78–a85.

DOI: 10.1289/ehp.121-a78

Keywords: forest, Fukushima, Chernobyl

Abstract: To report this story, Jane Braxton Little traveled to Chernobyl, and Winifred A. Bird made numerous trips to the Fukushima area. For Little, whose Harvard MA is in Japanese cultural history, it was the Fukushima accident that sparked her interest in how radiation affects ecosystems and led to her first visit to Ukraine. Bird has been living in Japan and writing about natural resource issues since 2005; in July 2011 she reported for EHP on chemical contamination following the Tohoku tsunami and earthquake. Seeing the effects of the accidents firsthand and interviewing residents and cleanup workers on the ground deepened the partners’ understanding of the management issues and the underlying science.

URL: http://europepmc.org/articles/PMC3621180?pdf=render



著者:フラニッチZ., ペトリネッチB., ブラニカG., マロヴィッチG., クベルカD., フラニッチZ.

典拠:Radiat Prot Dosimetry、2012年、151(2)、314-322頁。

DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncs012


概要:ポスト・チェルノブイリ期(1986‐2009年)のアドリア海のプリチャードにおける放射性セシウムの放射能濃度の調査報告である。チェルノブイリ以前の期間と比較すると、チェルノブイリ原発事故によってプリチャードにおけるセシウム137の放射能濃度は増加した。測定されたセシウム137の放射能濃度を理論曲線に適合させることにより、1986年から1990年は1.5±0.4 y、1991年から2009年は5.8±0.4 Yと推定され、プリチャード中のセシウム137の生態学的半減期に二峰性の挙動が観察された。消費によってクロアチア人口の成人メンバーがセシウム134とセシウム137の摂取によって受けた推定年間実効線量は少なかった。1986年-2009期間の集団線量は4.9+0.3人・Svだった。プリチャードにおいて観測されたセシウム134/セシウム137活性比は、他の環境サンプル内で見られたものと類似していた。プリチャードの濃縮係数はおおよそ93.7±39.2 l kg−1であると推定されたが、それは他の場所で観察された値と一致している。



Title: Chernobyl: A Reassessment

Author: David R. Marples

Reference: Eurasian Geography and Economics, Volume 45, Issue 8, 2004, pages 588-607

DOI: 10.2747/1538-7216.45.8.588

Keywords: declassified documents, KGB, September 1982 Chernobyl accident

Abstract: A Canadian specialist on Ukraine and the historic accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station provides a reassessment of the disaster on the basis of recently declassified documents of the Ukrainian KGB. The new information makes it possible in several instances to clarify details surrounding the accident and its aftermath. It also adds support to the argument that problems with equipment, operating procedures, and the safety regime at Chernobyl were far from isolated occurrences, but rather were endemic, as manifest in a serious September 1982 accident at the plant that was concealed from the world by Soviet authorities.

URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2747/1538-7216.45.8.588#.Udt6YKxLOM0


Title: Outcome of Pregnancy in one Norwegian County 3 Years Prior to and 3 Years Subsequent to the Chernobyl Accident

Author: Magnar Ulstein, Tone Skeie Jensen, Lorentz M. Irgens, Rolv Terje Lie, Erling Sivertsen

Reference: Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, Volume 69, Issue 4, pages 277–280, January 1990

DOI: 10.3109/00016349009036146

Keywords:pregnancy, Norway

Abstract: Pregnancy outcome was studied in a county in Norway 3 years prior to and 3 years subsequent to the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident on 26th April 1986. More detailed analyses have been performed for the 12 months prior to and subsequent to the accident. A significant increase in the spontaneous abortion rate the first year after the accident was followed by a slight decrease during the second and third years, but figures were still higher than the period prior to the accident. the rate of legal abortions was unchanged. During the entire observation period the number of births increased continuously, with the exception of a decrease in the last 2 months of 1986 and the first month of 1987. A higher incidence of spontaneous abortions was found for pregnancies conceived during the first 3 months after the accident. This increase in the spontaneous abortion rate is noteworthy, and more especially its long-term persistence, which cannot be the result of external radiation. the internal radiation from food polluted by radioactive fallout is a possible explanation. Changes in nutrition in order to avoid polluted food may also be of importance.

URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3109/00016349009036146/abstract


Title: Growing up in the shadow of Chornobyl: adolescents’ risk perceptions and mental health

Author: Bromet EJ, Guey LT, Taormina DP, Carlson GA, Havenaar JM, Kotov R, Gluzman SF

Reference: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology [2011, 46(5):393-402]

DOI: 10.1007/s00127-010-0203-5

Keywords:mental health

Abstract: Despite long-term research on risk perceptions of adults after ecological disasters, little is known about the legacy for the generation exposed to toxic elements as infants. This study examined Chornobyl-related risk perceptions and their relationship to mental health in adolescents raised in Kyiv in the aftermath of the accident.





著者:ブロメットE. J., ハーフナーJ. M., グエイL. T.

典拠:Clinical Oncology(王立放射線科医カレッジ(英国))、2011年、23(4)、297-305頁。

DOI: 10.1016/j.clon.2011.01.501



