
Melatonin protection from chronic, low-level ionizing radiation

Title: Melatonin protection from chronic, low-level ionizing radiation
Author: Reiter, Russel J. / Korkmaz, Ahmet / Ma, Shuran / Rosales-Corral, Sergio / Tan, Dun-Xian

Reference: Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research, 751 (1), p.7-14, Jul 2012

doi: 10.1016/j.mrrev.2011.12.002

Keywords: Chronic radiation exposure; Radioisotopes; Lingering radioactivity; Melatonin

Abstract: In the current survey, we summarize the published literature which supports the use of melatonin, an endogenously produced molecule, as a protective agent against chronic, low-level ionizing radiation. Under in vitro conditions, melatonin uniformly was found to protect cellular DNA and plasmid super coiled DNA from ionizing radiation damage due to Cs137 or X-radiation exposure. Likewise, in an in vivo/in vitro study in which humans were given melatonin orally and then their blood lymphocytes were collected and exposed to Cs137 ionizing radiation, nuclear DNA from the cells of those individuals who consumed melatonin (and had elevated blood levels) was less damaged than that from control individuals. In in vivo studies as well, melatonin given to animals prevented DNA and lipid damage (including limiting membrane rigidity) and reduced the percentage of animals that died when they had been exposed to Cs137 or Co60 radiation. Melatonin’s ability to protect macromolecules from the damage inflicted by ionizing radiation likely stems from its high efficacy as a direct free radical scavenger and possibly also due to its ability to stimulate antioxidative enzymes. Melatonin is readily absorbed when taken orally or via any other route. Melatonin’s ease of self administration and its virtual absence of toxicity or side effects, even when consumed over very long periods of time, are essential when large populations are exposed to lingering radioactive contamination such as occurs as a result of an inadvertent nuclear accident, an intentional nuclear explosion or the detonation of a radiological dispersion device, i.e., a “dirty” bomb.

…lower the frequency of cancer initiation. Furthermore, if cancer is initiated, melatonin…Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima [67…increasing the risk of cancer because of its ability…concentrates in the thyroid gland since four atoms…

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383574211001001



