Method of neutralizing low- and medium-mineralized low-radioactive liquid waste, in field conditions
Author: V.N. Epimakhov, M.C. Oleinik, S.V. Glushkov, T.V. Epimakhov
Reference: Patent, 05.05.2004, Sosnovyi Bor patent holder: State enterprise scientific-research centre of technology named after A.P. Aleksandrov
Keywords: liquid waste, neutralization, filter, ion exchange
Abstract: The invention relates to treatment of liquid radioactive wastes. For the current neutralizing method mechanical filter and ultrafilter is utilized. Subsequently conducted desalination through reverse osmosis filter, with advanced treatment on ion-exchange filters, with reagent treatment of spent ion-exchange resins, potassium ferrocyanide and cobalt salts. Then, the treated resin is used as sorption prefilter, in which waste treatment is conducted, before inputting it into the ion-exchange filter.