
Method of processing liquid radioactive waste of nuclear power plants

Author: A.K. Andrianov, B.A. Gusev, V.V Krivobokov

Reference: Patent, 29.01.2007, Sosnovyi Bor patent holder: State enterprise scientific-research centre of technology named after A.P. Aleksandrov

Keywords: liquid waste, solidification, phosphor

Abstract: The invention relates to treatment of liquid radioactive waste, namely to methods of concentrating the waste by evaporation (thermal distillation) and solidifying of radioactive concentrates. During the treatment, salt solution is evaporated at a given temperature and pH of the solution. After gaining salt concentrate in the evaporated solution, close to saturation, the evaporation is conducted in phosphoric acid medium, at 150~1870g/l of concentration of phosphoric acid and temperature of 105~130℃. The concentrated salt is solidified by phosphate binders.

URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/233/2336584.html



