Title: Medical consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident: experience of 15-year studies
Author: Bebeshko, Vladimir G / Bobyliova, Olga A
Reference: International Congress Series, 1234, p.267-279, May 2002
doi: 10.1016/S0531-5131(01)00616-1
Keywords: Chernobyl disaster; Health status; Long-term monitoring; Incidence; Prevalence
Abstract:… All population health indexes have negative dynamics and are dramatically worse in comparison to the same age of Ukrainian population. The incidence of all cancers in clean-up workers increased. Since 1995, all cancer incidence rates are higher in the population of Ukraine. The thyroid incidence rate in evacuees exceeds the national rate by five to six times. The priority tasks for the achievement of the goals of health protection for the people who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl catastrophe were determined.
Title: Molecular rearrangements in papillary thyroid carcinomas
Author: Zitzelsberger, Horst / Bauer, Verena / Thomas, Gerry / Unger, Kristian
Reference: Clinica Chimica Acta, 411 (5-6), p.301-308, Mar 2010
doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2009.11.028
Keywords: Papillary thyroid carcinoma; Gene rearrangement; Chromosome aberrations; Genetic heterogeneity
Abstract: …post-Chernobyl papillary thyroid carcinomas some researchers…radiation-associated thyroid carcinomas. However…contrast to the post-Chernobyl tumours, radiation-associated thyroid tumours either originated…in sporadic thyroid cancer in children [40…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0009898109006172
Title: Iodine nutrition in the Chernobyl area before and after the nuclear accident
Author: VanMiddlesworth, Lester
Reference: International Congress Series, 1234, p.163-168, May 2002
doi: 10.1016/S0531-5131(01)00605-7
Keywords: Iodine; Goiter; Chernobyl; Thyroid
Abstract: Reports from 1950 to 1960 suggest that goiter was frequent in the Chernobyl area and vigorous efforts were undertaken to distribute iodine supplements. There resulted enthusiastic reports stating that endemic goiter was no longer a problem. During the 1970s, the distribution of iodized salt became undependable and by 1980, goiter incidence was reported to have increased. Four to ten years after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, severe iodine deficiency was unusual but goiter by ultrasound measurement was found in more than 35% of the children. Unusual thyroid cancer appeared and its prevalence continues to increase.
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0531513101006057
Title: DNA damage evaluated by alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) in children of Chernobyl, 10 years after the disaster
Author: Frenzilli, G / Bosco, E / Antonelli, A / Panasiuk, G / Barale, R
Reference: Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 491 (1-2), p.139-149, Apr 2001
doi: 10.1016/S1383-5718(01)00136-X
Keywords: Single cell gel electrophoresis; Human leukocytes; DNA damage; Bleomycin; Clastogenic factors
Abstract: Using the alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet) assay, the extent of DNA damage was evaluated in leukocytes of 43 Belarussian children (16 healthy and 27 affected by thyroid cancer). Thirty-nine healthy children from Pisa (Italy) were enrolled in the study as controls. In addition to basal levels of DNA damage, leukocytes were treated in vitro with bleomycin (BLM), a radiomimetic drug, to evaluate a possible adaptive response in different groups of children….
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S138357180100136X
Title: How shall we manage the incidentally found thyroid nodule?
Author: Aspinall, Sebastian R. / Ong, Sarah G.S. / Wilson, Michael S.J. / Lennard, Thomas W.J.
Reference: The Surgeon, In Press, Corrected Proof,Jan 2013
doi: 10.1016/j.surge.2012.11.004
Keywords: Thyroid; Thyroid nodule; Thyroid neoplasm; Ultrasonography; Cytology
Abstract: …Table 1 Risk factors for thyroid cancer on history. Risk factor for thyroid cancer Previous head and neck irradiation Exposure to nuclear fallout e.g. from Chernobyl Family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma or multiple endocrine neoplasia…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1479666X12001230
Title: Chromosomal aberrations in thyroid follicular-cell neoplasia: in the search of novel oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes
Author: Zitzelsberger, Horst / Thomas, Gerry / Unger, Kristian
Reference: Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 321 (1), p.57-66, May 2010
doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2009.11.014
Keywords: Follicular-cell neoplasia; Tumour suppressor gene; Oncogene; FISH; Chromosome; Rearrangement; Copy number alteration; Next-generation sequencing;Array CGH; Array painting
Abstract: …than just thyroid cancer, the reader…from the Chernobyl accident…papillary thyroid cancer. A recent…in post-Chernobyl and sporadic…in post-Chernobyl cases (aged…childhood thyroid papillary…papillary cancer are not necessarily…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303720709005796
Title: Follicular patterned lesions of the thyroid gland: a practical algorithmic approach
Author: Chetty, R.
Reference: Journal of Clinical Pathology, 64 (9), p.737-741, Sep 2011
doi: 10.1136/jclinpath-2011-200121
Abstract: …for a non-invasive thyroid neoplasm having the capability…encapsulated, non-invasive thyroid neoplasms (either papillary…possibly via intra-thyroid lymphatics or other…and have the attendant cancer treatment inflicted on…diagnosis of FVPTC. 9 The Chernobyl Pathologist Group suggested…
URL: http://jcp.bmj.com/content/64/9/737
Title: Chapter 46 – Isotopes of Iodine in Thyroid and Urine: Source, Application, Level and Determination
Author: Hou, Xiaolin / Ding, Wenjun
Reference: Comprehensive Handbook of Iodine, Jan 2009
Abstract: …some accidents, such as Chernobyl. Due to the…diagnosis and therapy of thyroid diseases for more than…for the diagnosis of thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism…papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma; it has…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123741356000467
Title: Birth Defects Thyroid Cancer Chernobyl
Reference: [PDF-2MB]Oct 2007
Abstract: …Nord-England* * Cotterill SJ, Pearce MS, Parker L (2001) Eur J Cancer. 37(8):1020-1026 Diese zeitlichen und räumlichen Änderungen…in Kärnten (Österreich) * * Segovia IG et al. (2004) THYROID 14(4), 277-285 Die Inzidenz des papillären Schilddrüsenkrebs…
URL: http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/ibb/homepage/hagen.scherb/Birth%20Defects%20Thyroid%20Cancer%20Chernobyl.pdf
Author: Bowlt, C.
Reference: The Lancet, 328 (8509), p.756, Sep 1986
doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(86)90281-3
Abstract: …caused by the Chernobyl accident during…risk for fatal thyroid cancer are all close…Britain) due to the Chernobyl accident, too…population from thyroid cancer can be expected…Britain following Chernobyl Nature 321 1986…