Title: Individual risk from occupational exposure for nuclear industry workers
Author: Ivanov V.K., Tsyb A.F., Panfilov A.P., Agapov A.M., Kaydalov O.V., Korelo A.M., Maksyutov M.A., Chekin S.YU., Kascheeva P.V., Saenko A.S.
Reference:Radiation and Lisk 2008 vol.17 No.3
Keywords: individual radiation risk, “dose matrix”, nuclear industry workers, chronic occupational exposure
Abstract: Internationally, the upper limit of acceptable individual risk from occupational exposure for nuclear industry workers is determined by the death probability 10-3 year-1. The same risk value of 10-3 year-1 is established by the Radiation Safety Standards currently in force in Russia. The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation has proposed the formulae for estimating individual risk of developing cancer with allowance for radiation dose, age at exposure, attained age and sex. This methodology is first applied to estimate individual radiation risk for nuclear industry workers (49900 persons) who were monitored for radiation exposure through the use of personal dosimeters. The estimates show that in 2006 the threshold of 10-3 year-1 for individual risk is exceeded for 755 persons, which is 1.6 % of all workers covered by personal dose monitoring. The excess absolute risk (EAR) and attributive risk (AR) were estimated for all cancers, solid cancers and leukemias. The principles for forming potential risk groups are discussed.
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otsenka-individualnogo-radiatsionnogo-riska-pri-professionalnom-hronicheskom-obluchenii
Title: Satellite Views of the Chernobyl Nuclear Complex and Vicinity
Author: H. Toyota, S. Tanaka, Y. Nakayama
Reference: Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Vol. 6 (1986) No. 2 P 165-185
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11440/rssj1981.6.165
Keywords: satellite, Landsat, radioactive fallout
Abstract: Regarding the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster; NOAA/AVHRR and Salyut/KATK-140 imageries show the land cover condition of the wide area around the nuclear complex. Landsat TM image acquired on 29 April 1986 informs us the thermal condition of the exploded reactor and suggests the heavy deposition area. Landsat TM image on 26 April 1985, before the accident, shows the normally operated condition in the reservoir. Also Spot HRV 10 meter resolution image exhibits the planimetric configuration of the complex.
Title: Retrospective analysis of I-129 for the estimation of I-131 deposition following the Fukushima accident
Author: Yasuyuki Muramatsu, Hirouyuki Matsuzaki, Takeshi Ohno, Chiaki Toyama
Reference: Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan
Keywords: iodine-129, iodine-131, Fukushima nuclear accident, deposition, contamination map
Title: Effects of Fallout from the Chernobyl Reactor Accident and its Estimates in Water of Japan Radiation Doses
Author: Tomoko BITO
Reference: Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, Vol. 24 (1988) No. 1 P 84-90
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2521/jswtb.24.84
Title: Analysis Of The incidence and mortality with respect to malignant neoplasms of the digestive system in the Chernobyl liquidators 1986-1997
Author: Biryukov A.P., Ivanova I.N., Gorskiy A.I, Petrov A.V., Matyash V.A.
Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2001 No.12
Abstract: The paper provides analysis of information about incidence and mortality with respect to malignant neoplasms of the digestive system in the Chernobyl liquidators accumulated in the Russian National Medical and Dosimetric Registry (RNMDR) in the period from 1986 to the beginning of 1998. The study includes male liquidators registered in six regional centers of the RNMDR providing most reliable medical and dosimetric data on an annual basis, namely Northwest, Volgo-Vyatsky, Central-Chernozemny, Povolzhsky, North-Caucasian and Urals. The number of liquidators under study is 96026 persons, which accounts for 57% of all liquidators registered in the RNMDR. The mean dose in the study cohort is 108 mGy, the mean age at the time of entry in the zone is 34.3 years and the total accumulated number of person-years is 1011727. The incidence and mortality rates for cancers of the digestive system were compared for liquidators and the population of Russia in general through calculation of the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) and the standardized mortality ratio (SMR). The values of SIR and SMR with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for malignant neoplasms of the digestive system were estimated to be 0.88 (0.80; 0.97) and 0.72 (0.64; 0.80), respectively. For liquidators who arrived in the zone in 1986 these are 0.97 (0.85; 1.11) and 0.81 (0.70; 0.94), respectively. During the period of 1991-1997, when SIR in liquidators became stable, the values of SIR and SMR with 95% CI for malignant neoplasms of the digestive system were 1.00 (0.90; 1.10) and 0.87 (0.78; 0.98), respectively. For liquidators who arrived in the zone in 1986 these values were 1.15 (1.00; 1.33) and 1.02 (0.86; 1.19), respectively. Estimation of radiation risks for this class of diseases did not reveal any statistically significant increase in cancer incidence or mortality with increase in external radiation dose in liquidators.
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/analiz-zabolevaemosti-i-smertnosti-ot-zlokachestvennyh-novoobrazovaniy-pischevaritelnoy-sistemy-sredi-likvidatorov-za-1986-1997-gody
Title: Memories of a participant of Chernobyl catastrophe
Author: Chemeris A.F. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University
Reference: News of Tomsk Polytechnic University 2006 vol.309 No.2
Abstract: Recollections of Colonel Anatoli Fedorovich Chemeris, who eliminated the consequences of Chernobyl catastrophe in April 26, 1986 (head of the area № 3 of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering of USSR, May-June, 1986. He is at present the Deputy Vice-Rector on TPU Administrative Affairs).
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/iz-vospominaniy-uchastnika-likvidatsii-posledstviy-chernobylskoy-katastrofy-polkovnika-a-f-chemerisa
Title: Concentration of Radioactive Cesium in Imported Foods and Contribution by Chernobyl Reactor Accident
Author: Kazuyoshi FUKUDA
Reference: RADIOISOTOPES, Vol. 49 (2000) No. 9 P 433-438
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3769/radioisotopes.49.433
Keywords: radioactive cesium, potassium-40, imported food, Chernobyl reactor accident
Abstract: Radionuclides in imported foods consumed in Hokkaido were examined by germanium (Ge) gamma-ray spectrometer system.
The values of radioactive cesium (137Cs+134Cs) concentration of 480 samples collected during 1989-1999 were lower than the temporary limit (370Bq/kg) . These values of 441 samples (92%) were lower than 1 Bq/kg. The maximum values of 137Cs and 134Cs were 62.4Bq/kg, 3.8Bq/kg in black tea imported from China.
From the relation between concentration of 137Cs and cesium unit, the contribution from Chernobyl reactor accident was estimated qualitatively on 24 samples with higher values than 0.40Bq/g-K. Based on the concentration of 134Cs and 137Cs detected in 16 samples, the contribution of 137Cs from this accident were calculated.
Title: The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station Accident, Ten Years After, International Cooperative Study on the Assessment of Health Effects
Reference: Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan / Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Vol. 38 (1996) No. 3 P 184-204
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3327/jaesj.38.184
Abstract: 10 years passed since the Chernobyl accident. Through international cooperation research on the health effects was conducted
Title: Investigation on the Causes and Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident
Author: Susumu SUGURI
Reference: Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan / Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Vol. 38 (1996) No. 4 P 279-286
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3327/jaesj.38.279
Keywords: safety, Chernobyl accident (1986)
Abstract: Investigation on the causes and consequences of the Chernobyl accident, potential danger of future disasters and safety measures. Chernobyl accident in comparison to other accidents.
Title: Radiation oncology in Russia after the Chernobyl accident: forecast and actual data
Author: Ivanov V.K., Remennik L.V., Tsyb A.F., Starinskiy V.V., Chissov V.I., Maksyutov M.A., Mokina V.D., Gorskiy A.I., Harchenko N.V., Gretsova V.I., Scheplyagina L.A., Petrova G.V., Chekin S.YU., Nilova E.V., Rubtsova M.M., Efendiev V.A., Leshakov S.YU., Shiryaev V.I., Pochtennaya G.T., Proshin A.D., Kvitko B.I.
Reference: Radiation and Lisk 1995 No.6
Abstract: This work presents results of complex studying the morbidity and mortality from malignant neoplasms on the territories of Bryansk, Kaluga, Orel and Ryazan oblasts most radiocontami-nated after the ChNPP accident. Complexity of the approach was provided by solving the three basic tasks: assessment of possible contribution of radiation factor into oncomorbidity, i.e. prognostication of mortality and morbidity conditioned by radiogenic cancers; analyzing the development of oncoepidemiological situation (dynamics of morbidity indices) during the period from 1981 till 1994; assessment of relative risks of arising malignant neoplasms among population of indicated oblasts as compared to Russia before and after the ChNPP accident. Calculations models and risk coefficients recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the Committee on Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation of USA (BEIR-V) as well as medico-demographic and dosimetric data on studied regions are used in the prognostication. In consequence of the prognostication the life attributive risk for the majority of oncodiseases was demonstrated not to exceed 5%, except thyroid cancer for which the attributive risk is expected to peak in Bryansk oblast and to reach 18-20% for adults and 45-50% for children. By this is meant that each fifth thyroid cancer among adults and each second cancer among children will be radiation-induced. Analysis of risks and oncomorbidity indices among residents of contaminated territories before and after the accident allows to conclude that the forming the levels of oncomorbidity available at present, their structure and dynamics occurred primarily under influence of factors existing before the accident. As a result of the analysis of all three aspects of given problem the conclusion about the lack of statistically reliable effect of radiation factor on oncomorbidity is made. Levels of onco-morbidity and oncomortality in contaminated regions reflect mainly the common tendency of changing these indices on Russia as a whole. The conclusion made is generally in agreement with the data of world practice on latent periods of induction of radiogenic cancers and values of radiation effects for levels of irradiation to which the population living on contaminated territories is exposed.
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/radiatsionnaya-onkoepidemiologiya-v-rossii-posle-chernobylskoy-katastrofy-prognoz-i-fakticheskie-dannye