
The combined effect of low-frequency magneto-laser radiation and plant forage additives on the excretion of the cesium-137 radionuclide from the body of lactating cows

Title: The combined effect of low-frequency magneto-laser radiation and plant forage additives on the excretion of the cesium-137 radionuclide from the body of lactating cows

Author: Taratuhin, Igor Nikolaevich

Reference: Veliky Novgorod, 1999

Keywords: cesium-137, cows, lactation activities, Novgorod region – “Chernobyl trace”, livestock

Abstract: [Dimension of transition of cesium-137 radionuclide from the daily forage ration in animal production depends on their form of state in plants, duration of exposure, age of the animals, it’s physiological condition, type of forage, and other factors …]


Construction and maintenance of physical education classes according to seasonal changes in the physical condition among junior pupils living in areas with high background radiation

Title: Construction and maintenance of physical education classes according to seasonal changes in the physical condition among junior pupils living in areas with high background radiation

Author: Bondarenko, Alla Yevgenyevna

Reference: Gomel, 1999

Keywords: physical education classes, seasonal changes, physical condition, children, background radiation

Abstract: The aim of the study was to improve the structure and content of training sessions of physical education classes in junior secondary schools in rural areas with adverse environmental conditions.


Integrated environmental assessment on radiation and chemical factors within operation and decommissioning of hazardous facilities.

Title: Integrated environmental assessment on radiation and chemical factors within operation and decommissioning of hazardous facilities.

Author: Laschenova, Tatiana Nikolayevna

Reference: Moscow, 2008

Keywords: geochemistry, radiogeology, radioactivity of the earth, environment, radiation factors, chemical factors, exploitation of radiation hazardous facilities, decommissioning, rehabilitation, contamination

Abstract: The aim of this study was to develop a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the environment’s state by radiation and chemical factors within operation and decommissioning of radiation hazardous facilities, rehabilitation of contaminated sites and the elimination of local areas of contamination.


The role of radiation factor in the formation of neuropsychiatric disorders in children born to families of Chernobyl accident liquidators and the rationale for the tactics of diagnostic and therapeutic-preventive measures

Title: The role of radiation factor in the formation of neuropsychiatric disorders in children born to families of Chernobyl accident liquidators and the rationale for the tactics of diagnostic and therapeutic-preventive measures

Author: Zotova, Svetlana Arkadyevna

Reference: Moscow, 2007

Keywords: pediatrics, neuropsychic health, children, therapeutic- rehabilitative services,  nervous system

Abstract: Research aim: to determine the role of radiation effects on parents – the Chernobyl accident liquidators, in the formation of neuropsychiatric disorders in their children; to develop the principles of therapeutic- rehabilitative activities based on a comprehensive analysis of clinical-functional and cytogenetic examination results and family psychological testing.


Chernobyl, days of trial

Title: Chernobyl, days of trial

Author: Schkoda Vadim Gregoryevich

Reference: Publisher: Radyans’ka pismennik, 1988, Kyiv

Keywords: literature, memoirs, documents

Abstract: Book of testimonies; poems, essays, short stories, fragments from novels, tales, and interviews. ‘Chernobyl, days of trial’ contains both, documentaries and fiction work.

URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/books/32-chernobyl-dni-ispytaniy.html

Chernobyl. Revenge of the peaceful atom

Title: Chernobyl. Revenge of the peaceful atom

Author: Karpan N.

Reference: 2005

Abstract: The book contains 570 pages. The history of the development of nuclear science and technology from the creation of the atomic bomb till the tragic consequences of Chernobyl is being presented.

URL: http://www.souzchernobyl.org/?id=842

Unclaimed Fukushima psychological and neuropsychiatric lessons of Chernobyl

Title: Unclaimed Fukushima psychological and neuropsychiatric lessons of Chernobyl

Author: Loganovsky K.N., Loganovskaya T.K.

Reference: State Institution “Research Center for Radiation Medicine of NAMS (National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine) “, Kiev, Ukr.Med. Chasopis, 2 (82) – III / IV 2011

Keywords: Fukushima, psychological lessons, neuropsychiatric lessons, Chernobyl

Abstract: The Japanese earthquake March 11, 2011 and subsequent tsunami and series of accidents at nuclear power plants were an exceptional challenge to the Japanese technology and the mentality of the nation. Prior to Fukushima, a level 7 event (the maximum classification) was earned only by the Chernobyl disaster. Was the Chernobyl and international experience counted and used regarding the mental health of victims in case of Fukushima?


Alive as long as we remembered

Title: Alive as long as we remembered

Author: Alexander Kupniy

Reference: Kharkov, 2011 [The book is published with the kind permission from the author]

Keywords: memories, photos, literature, liquidation

Abstract: This is a book of memories. People that experienced Chernobyl talk about their work, which is considered heroic. This book contains 12 stories that tell us about the aftermath of the accident, life and work under ultraboundary conditions.

URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/books/196-zhivy-poka-nas-pomnyat.html



Author: Petin V.G., Pronkevich M.D.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2012 vol. 21 No.1

Keywords: Ionizing radiation,   Low doses,   cancer morbidity,   radiation associated hormesis

Abstract: In the review we generalized and analyzed published experimental and epidemiological data on effects of low dose radiation on cancer incidence. It was shown that no increase in cancer incidence was observed in those resided under enhanced natural radiation. Japanese cohort of atomic bomb survivors, nuclear workers and cleanup workers of nuclear incidents. Moreover, in some cases lower cancer mortality as compared to the baseline mortality was observed. The most impressed data on the Taiwan cohort resided in radioactive apartments during 25 years were published. Cancer incidence in that population was 40 times lower than in the control group, at the same time accumulated doses were higher than in clean-up workers of the Chernobyl accident. Analyzed data demonstrate that exposure to low dose radiation reduces risk of cancer development. Possible mechanisms of beneficial action of low level radiation are discussed.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/analiz-deystviya-malyh-doz-ioniziruyuschego-izlucheniya-na-onkozabolevaemost-cheloveka



Medical consequences of the Chernobyl accident: prognosis and actual data of the National Registry

Reference: Радиация и риск (Radiation and risk (Bulletin of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry)), 2002 Release Number: 13

Keywords: National Register, Bryansk Region., thyroid cancer, leukemia

Abstract: This paper presents basic data of a large-scale epidemiological studies of radiation in Russia after the Chernobyl accident. Prognosis is given on remote effects of radiation calculated on the bases of models provided by ICRP and existing demographic and dosimetric data. Factual data provided by the National Registry confirm radiation risks for leukemia among liquidators and thyroid cancer among children, resulting from the Chernobyl disaster, among the population of the Bryansk region.

URL:  http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/meditsinskie-posledstviya-avarii-na-chaes-prognoz-i-fakticheskie-dannye-natsionalnogo-registra
