Author: K.N. Loganovsky, A.N. Kovalenko, N.V. Denisyuk
Reference: Кровообіг та гемостаз (Circulation and hemostasis), 2010
Abstract: Angioneurological features of chronic cerebrovascular disease, in the remote period after total body irradiation in the dose range 0,025-4,7 Sv, are confirmed. As model target, a left internal carotid artery is adopted. Etiological heterogeneity changes of cerebral hemodynamics, in the remote period after irradiation, is confirmed, at which the role of radiation, among traditional risk factors (age, somatic diseases, smoking, alcohol abuse), is shown in doses exceeding 0.3 Sv.
Author: P. Jacob
Reference: International journal of radiation medicine 1999, 3.4 (3.4): 7.10
Abstract: A large increase of the thyroid cancer incidence among those who were children at the time of the accident was observed in Belarus and in Ukraine (Kazakov V.S. et al., 1992; Likhtarev I.A. et al., 1995). The increase in Belarus among those who were younger than 18 years at the time of the accident started in 1989 with a linear rise to about 140 cases per year in 1994 and then staying up to 1996 (the last date of published data) on a constant level (Buglova E. et al., 1997). A case-control study indicated a strong relationship between thyroid cancer and estimated radiation dose from the Chernobyl accident (Astakova L.N. et al., 1998). An aggregate study of the thyroid cancer after Chernobyl has shown the large potential of such studies for deriving quantitative information on the cancer risk due to 131I incorporation
Author: K.N. Loganovsky, M.A. Bomko, S.A. Chumak
Reference: Психиатрия, психотерапия и клиническая психология (Psychiatry, psychotherapy and clinical psychology), 2012
Keywords: cerebrovascular disease, organic mental disorders, depression, neurotic stress-related and somatoform disorders, protection measures
Abstract: In the victims of the Chernobyl disaster, especially the liquidators, revealed an excess of cerebrovascular disease, organic mental disorders, depression, neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders and alcohol dependence. Progredient character of the flow of the disease is confirmed. We have developed models for mental health care in radiation accidents and radiological terrorist attacks, differentiated algorithms of the provision of neuropsychiatric intensive care, in the structure of medical response in such events, and block model for neuropsychiatric intensive assistance for victims of radiological emergencies.
Author: K.N. Loganovsky
Reference: Укр. мед. часопис. (Ukrainian Medical Magazine), 1998
Abstract: A well known article on the subject, yet without details on the web. For detailed information on the article contact the National Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine of Ukraine. The center’s home page is:
Author: K.N. Loganovsky
Reference: Новая медицина тысячелетия (New Medicine of the Millennium), 2010
Abstract: the article introduces the history of atomic neuropsychiatry. Full text in Russian on the web magazine, on pages 16-27.
Author: T.P. Golivets, B.S. Kovalenko, I.V. Sukhoterin, D.V. Volkov
Reference: Журнал: Научные ведомости Белгородского государственного университета. Серия: Медицина. Фармация (Journal: Scientific register of the Belgorod State University. Series: Medicine. Farmacy, 2010
Doi: 616.43;616-008.9;616.39
Keywords: Belgorod region, malignant tumor
Abstract: Overview on the 25-year period from 1981 to 2005. Dynamics of morbidity is researched in different age groups of both sexes. In every age group, increase of thyroid cancer incidence is detected. It evidences again the already known features of thyroid oncopathology.
Author: K.N. Loganovsky
Reference: Журн. невропатол. и психиатр. им. С.С. Корсакова. (journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakov), 2000
Abstract: Neurological, psychiatric and psycho-physiological (computer EEG) surveys were conducted on 100 victims of the Chernobyl disaster, in whom acute radiation syndrome (ARS) was diagnosed in 1986, 100 employees of the Chernobyl exclusion zone, who volunteered to work in the area from 1986-1987 for 5 years or more, as well as group of comparisons (control group) with 20 healthy individuals, 50 veterans of the war in Afghanistan with effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and 50 veterans with effects of PTSD and mild closed head injury. In remote period of exposure, left hemisphere cortico-limbic and diencephalic-right-brain syndromes were detected. Schizophrenia and other pathologies are observed.
Author: K.N. Loganovsky
Reference: Український медичний часопис (Ukrainian Medical Magazine), 2009
Keywords: ionizing radiation, low doses, Chernobyl accident, brain, radiosensitivity, radiocerebral effects, exposure in utero.
Abstract: The aim is to analyze the current evidences on radiocerebral effects following exposure to 20 mSv on fetus and >300 mSv on thyroid in utero; 16–25 weeks — >10 mSv and >200 mSv, respectively. A life span study should be done for the cohort of prenatally irradiated persons as a result of the Chernobyl accident,as well as those exposed at the age of 0–1 years. These survivors are under increased risk of different neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia. Radiation exposure in childhood is obviously associated with dose-related cognitive decline in adulthood and neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, later in life. The possible dose thresholds of delayed radiation brain damage are the doses as low as 0.1–1.3 Gy on the brain in childhood. In adults, the radiation-associated cerebrovascular effects were obtained at >0.15–0.25 Sv. Dose-related neuropsychiatric, neurophysiological, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging abnormalities following exposure to >0.3 Sv, neurophysiological and neuroimaging radiation markers at doses >1 Sv were revealed. Postradiation brain damage is predominantly localized in the frontal-temporal areas of the left hemisphere and involves both white and gray matter of the brain. The cerebral structural and functional abnormalities after irradiation are characteristic as frontal and temporal cortex atrophy, changes of subcortical structures and neuronal pathways, mainly in the dominant hemisphere. Adulthood radiation exposure is the risk factor for the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as the predisposition for neurodegeneration, cognitive deficit and other neuropsychiatric disorders development, accelerating CNS ageing, as well as the new model of schizophrenia. Studies on radiation neuropsychiatric effects should be realized.
Title: Risk factors for long-term mental and psychosomatic distress in Latvian Chernobyl liquidators
Author: J F Viel, E Curbakova, B Dzerve, M Eglite, T Zvagule, and C Vincent
Reference: Environ Health Perspect. 1997 December; 105(Suppl 6): 1539–1544.
Keywords: Risk factors, mental distress, psychosomatic disorders, Latvia, liquidators
Abstract: Epidemiologic studies on the health effects of the Chernobyl disaster have focused largely on physical health, whereas the psychological consequences have received little attention. The authors have assessed the associations of various exposure variables with mental and psychosomatic distress in a sample of 1412 Latvian liquidators drawn from the State Latvian Chernobyl Clean-up Workers Registry.
Title: Health effects in a casual sample of immigrants to Israel from areas contaminated by the Chernobyl explosion
Author: E A Kordysh, J R Goldsmith, M R Quastel, S Poljak, L Merkin, R Cohen, and R Gorodischer
Reference: Environ Health Perspect. 1995 October; 103(10): 936–941.
Keywords: Health effects, immigrants (from Chernobyl-affected areas), Israel
Abstract: We analyzed questionnaire and physician examination data for 1560 new immigrants from the former USSR divided into three groups by potential exposure to Chernobyl radiation. Two groups were chosen according to soil contamination by cesium-137 at former residences, as confirmed by our findings in a 137Cs body burden study. The third group consisted of “liquidators,” persons who worked at the Chernobyl site after the disaster. Liquidators had greater self-reported incidences of symptoms commonly accepted as acute effects of radiation exposure, increases in prevalence of hypertension, and more health complaints. Excesses of bronchial asthma and health complaints were reported in children from the more exposed communities. Asthma prevalence in children potentially exposed in utero appears to be increased eightfold. Older adults from more exposed areas had more hypertension as assessed by history and measurements. These findings suggest the possible association of radiation exposure with several nonmalignant effects.