

Main outcomes and sources of errors in determining the radiation ethiopathogenesis of neurological syndromes and symptoms

Author: A.K. Gus’kova

Reference: Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им.С.С.Корсакова (journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakov), 2007

Keywords: neurology, psychiatry

Abstract: Difficulties and errors in estimating the neurological disorder in a person, exposed to radiation, is often found in practices. This is proven by objective facts and caused by insufficient knowledge of some researchers. Cases of defects of education, of people, on the wide range of natural radiation and human body’s content of radioactive elements are found, with which the effects of technogenic impacts must be compared.

We recall that the nervous system has no specific receptors for reactions, on which the quantity of absorbed energy, in the human body, of ionizing radiation could be judged.

URL: http://www.fesmu.ru/elib/Article.aspx?id=174907

The intellectual development, mental and behavioural disorders in children from Belarus exposed in utero following the Chernobyl accident

Title: The intellectual development, mental and behavioural disorders in children from Belarus exposed in utero following the Chernobyl accident

Author: Igumnov, S / Drozdovitch, V

Reference: European Psychiatry, 15 (4), p.244-253, Jun 2000

doi: 10.1016/S0924-9338(00)00237-6

Keywords: education; emotional disorder; exposure; prenatal; social factors; specific learning ; thyroid dose

Abstract: The study examined psychological development in 250 children at the age of 6–7 and 10–12 years who had been exposed in the prenatal period at the time of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. These children were compared to a control group of 250 children of the same age from non- and slightly contaminated areas of Belarus. The examination included psychiatric examination and intellectual assessment as well as the estimation of thyroid exposure in utero. The mean value of thyroid doses from 131I 0.39 Gy was estimated for the prenatal exposed children….

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924933800002376

The intellectual development, mental and behavioural disorders in children from Belarus exposed in utero following the Chernobyl accident

Title: The intellectual development, mental and behavioural disorders in children from Belarus exposed in utero following the Chernobyl accident

Author: Igumnov, S / Drozdovitch, V

Reference: European Psychiatry, 15 (4), p.244-253, Jun 2000
doi: 10.1016/S0924-9338(00)00237-6

Keywords: education; emotional disorder; exposure; prenatal; social factors; specific learning disabilities; thyroid dose

Abstract: The study examined psychological development in 250 children at the age of 6–7 and 10–12 years who had been exposed in the prenatal period at the time of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. These children were compared to a control group of 250 children of the same age from non- and slightly contaminated areas of Belarus. The examination included psychiatric examination and intellectual assessment as well as the estimation of thyroid exposure in utero. The mean value of thyroid doses from 131I 0.39 Gy was estimated for the prenatal exposed children….

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924933800002376
