

Post-traumatic stress disorder in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in long term period: clinical factors, pathomorphosis, questions of medical and social assessment

Title: Post-traumatic stress disorder in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in long term period: clinical factors, pathomorphosis, questions of medical and social assessment

Author: Stepanov. Alexey Lvovich

Reference: Moscow, 2006

Keywords: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), liquidators, rehabilitation

Abstract: Objectives of the study.
1. To study the clinical features of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in the long term that evolved in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.
2. To study the dynamics of PTSD among liquidators in the long term.
3. To compare clinical and psychopathological characteristics of PTSD in participants of accident liquidation and participants in military actions.
4. Highlight the diagnostic criteria for PTSD in liquidators that are relevant to expert
decision making.
5. To develop principles and rehabilitation methods in liquidators effected by PTSD arising in liquidation of radiological accident aftermath.


International assessments of impacts of the Chernobyl accident: the Chernobyl forum (2003-2005) and UNSCEAR (2005-2008)  


Author: Balonov M.I.

Reference: St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after Professor PV Ramzaev

ISSN: 1998-426X


Abstract:Radiological consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP were recently revisited by the UN Chernobyl Forum (2003-2005) and UNSCEAR (2005-2008). For the first time environmental impacts were considered in detail, including radioactive contamination of terrestrial and aquatic environments, application and effectiveness of countermeasures and effects on biota. Updated dosimetric data were presented for more than half a million of emergency and recovery operation workers, about 100 million inhabitants of the three most affected countries, Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine, and for 500 million inhabitants of other European countries. Several hundred of the emergency workers received high radiation doses; of whom 28 persons died in 1986 due to acute radiation sickness. Children at the time of the accident, who drank milk with high levels of radioactive iodine, received high doses to the thyroid. Since early 1990s there was the dramatic increase in thyroid cancer incidence among them. Also in 1990s there was some increase of leukaemia in most exposed workers. The UN Chernobyl Forum concluded that severe social and economic depression of the affected regions and associated psychological problems of the general public and the workers had become the most significant problem. The vast majority of the population need not live in fear of serious health consequences from the Chernobyl accident.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=16516276

Clinical and laboratory criteria to evaluate the adaptive-regulatory systems in the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, in remote periods

Author: L.B. Drygina

Reference: Dissertation, 2002

Keywords: liquidators

Abstract: Development of clinical and laboratory criteria to evaluate the adaptive-regulatory system in liquidators of Chernobyl accident, in remote period, for the solutions of diagnostic, prognostic problems. To these days, medical care to the liquidators of the of the Chernobyl accident (LPA) remains one of the national objectives (Nikiforov, AM, 1996; Tsib AF, 1998; Lushnikov. F. et al, 1999). The total number of liquidators in Russia is more than 300 thousand people. According to the Russian State Medical Dosimetry Registry (RSMDR), epidemiologically significant increase in classes of disease such as cardiovascular system, digestive system, endocrine system, diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (Shantyr II and others, 1996) are registered in the liquidators. In remote periods after the Chernobyl accident, risk of destructive autoimmune processes (Estinbeeva MJ, 994) and solid neoplasms (Ivanov VK et al, 1999) may increase …

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/kliniko-laboratornye-kriterii-otsenki-sostoyaniya-adaptatsionno-regulyatornykh-sistem-u-likv

The incidence of malignant neoplasms among members of liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident

Author: A.R. Islamova

Reference: Dissertation, 2004

Keywords: men, women, different characteristics, health conditions

Abstract: The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, is unprecedented in scale of disaster, which resulted in succession of combined effects of a number of pathogenic factors to a huge population of people, which, in the first place, is attributed to ionizing radiation. Thus one of the major social object is to monitor the demographic-medical situation in individual populations. The most exposed and one of the largest categories of the population affected by the Chernobyl accident are the so-called “liquidators”. Majority of liquidators are men. At the same time, about 6,000 women who took part in liquidation of the Chernobyl accident are registered in the Russian State Medical Dosimetry Registry (RSMDR). These women are group of people with certain conditions and doses of external and internal exposure, initial state of health and other characteristics that are different from those of the male population of the liquidators and require further study and analysis.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/zabolevaemost-zlokachestvennymi-novoobrazovaniyami-uchastnits-likvidatsii-posledstvii-avarii

The first “nurse” of the first zone

Author: Aleksandr Bolyarsnii

Reference: Internet journal lebed, 2003/art3325.htm


Keywords: decommissioning, decontamination, workers

Abstract: The author is an electrical engineer, who worked at the Chernobyl power plant. Bolyarsnii is also a journalist, who has been revealing a true sight of the disaster since 1986. Since immigrating to the US the author has widely worked as writer and journalist. His dissertations have appeared in journals such as RAKURS center of economic analysis. Currently he is the chief editor of the monthly paper Krugozor.

URL: http://www.lebed.com/2003/art3325.htm

Russian: Первый “санитар” первой зоны: Александр Болясный

Overview of research and future prospects in radiation medicine based on the current health status in Belarus

Title: Overview of research and future prospects in radiation medicine based on the current health status in Belarus

Author: Bespalchuk, Pavel I / Kabak, Sergey / Cherstvoy, Eugenij / Demidchik, Yurij / Dubovik, Boris V / Romanovsky, Dmitry J / Stogarov, Alexander

Reference: International Congress Series, 1258, p.85-89, Nov 2003
doi: 10.1016/S0531-5131(03)01146-4

Keywords: Chernobyl; Thyroid cancer; Liquidator; Morbility; Mortality

Abstract: As a result of the Chernobyl disaster, the population of Belarus has been, and continues to be, exposed to more complicated environmental factors than simply those related to radiation exposure. The Chernobyl catastrophe produced barely evaluated consequences both for the population and for the economy of Belarus. We present a brief outline of the radiological problems and population health research in Belarus on the basis of the National and Statistics Reports of Health Care Trends in Belarus (1993–2001) of the Ministry of Health Care of Belarus and its affiliated institutions.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0531513103011464
