Author: A.K. Gus’kova
Reference: Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им.С.С.Корсакова (journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakov), 2007
Keywords: neurology, psychiatry
Abstract: Difficulties and errors in estimating the neurological disorder in a person, exposed to radiation, is often found in practices. This is proven by objective facts and caused by insufficient knowledge of some researchers. Cases of defects of education, of people, on the wide range of natural radiation and human body’s content of radioactive elements are found, with which the effects of technogenic impacts must be compared.
We recall that the nervous system has no specific receptors for reactions, on which the quantity of absorbed energy, in the human body, of ionizing radiation could be judged.
URL: http://www.fesmu.ru/elib/Article.aspx?id=174907
Author: I.V. Grigorieva, S.A. Igumnov
Reference: Медико-биологические и социально-психологические проблемы безопасности в чрезвычайных ситуациях. (Medico-biological and socio-psychological problems of safety in emergencies ), 2009
Keywords: psychotherapy, clinical psychology,
Abstract: Study of internal disease picture has become one of the most important directions of present-day research in the field of psychotherapy and clinical psychology. The patients survived thyroid cancer surgery are referred to a risk group because of a wide spectrum of psychopathological disorders. Within this study we used Behterev institute’s personality questionnaire (LOBY) in 90 patients survived thyroid cancer surgery. The study showed considerable decrease in quality of life of the given patients in comparison with the control group. The most expressed changes were observed in physical, psycho-emotional and social domains. This study allows of timely revealing the problems of psychological and psychopathological level in the given cohort of patients and of improving the existing and developing innovative programs of psychological help.
URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=12977134
Author: F.M. Gaiduk, S.A. Igumnov, V.B. Shal’kevich
Reference: Социальная и клиническая психиатрия (Social and clinical psychiatry), 1994
Abstract: Well-known article among experts. However, there is no detail of it on web.
Author: Loganovsky K N, Kovalenko A N, Yuryev K L, Bomko Maria A, Antipchuk Ekaterina Yu, Denisyuk N V, Zdorenko Leonid L, Rossokha A P, Chorny A I, Dubrovina G V
Reference: Український медичний часопис (Ukrainian Medical Magazine), 2003
Keywords: organic brain damage, clinical neuropsychiatric, neuropsychological, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging surveys
Abstract: The problem of verification of organic brain damage in remote period of acute radiation sickness (ARS) is of a great significance due to the radiovulnerability of the brain is still at issue. The goal of the study was to verify the organic brain damage in remote period of ARS by clinical neuropsychiatric, neuropsychological, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging surveys of cerebral structural and functional abnormalities. The endophormous (apathetic) postradiation brain organic syndrome (encephalopathy) is compressed by microfocal neurological signs, personality disorders, negative psychopathological symptoms, depression and cognitive deficit. The structural and functional brain damage involving the frontal lobes and the left temporal lobe together with their cortico-subcortical connections and deep brain structures were revealed by neuropsychological investigation. There were dominating EEG-patterns as follows: the disorganized with predominance of a- and big spectral power of slow activity EEG-pattern and low-voltage polymorphous EEG-pattern with predominance of d- and b-power. Atherosclerotic changes, hypertensive vessel tonus, interhemispheric asymmetry of blood supply (decreased in the left hemisphere), as well as high frequency of stenos were the causes of cerebral haemodynamics disorders. Brain structural pathology revealed by magnetic-resonance imaging, predominantly, brain atrophy, enlargement of ventricula, and lacunar brain abnormalities, supported the cerebro-organic nature of the disorders. Thus, the organic brain damage in remote period of ARS has been verified by clinical neuropsychiatric.
URL: http://www.umj.com.ua/article/1029/verifikaciya-organichnogo-urazhennya-golovnogo-mozku-u-viddalenij-period-gostroi-promenevoi-xvorobi
Author: M.O. Bomko
Reference: dissert.cand.med.sci., Kiev, 2005
Keywords: remote period, organic brain damage, MR, ARS
Abstract: The current work is in the frame of the government’s complex project for the liquidation of the aftermaths of Chernobyl and social protection of people, in the field of neurology. Purpose of the study: To identify structural and functional cerebral bases in remote period of exposure in the dose range 0,05-4,7 Sv and to verify organic brain damage in the Chernobyl liquidators.
For the first time a quantitative analysis of MR images in the Chernobyl liquidators, including persons who have been diagnosed with ARS, with organic brain damage in remote period exposure in the dose range 0,05-4,7 Sv, is conducted.
URL: http://librar.org.ua/sections_load.php?s=medicine&id=6920
Author: M.A. Bomko
Reference: Український медичний часопис (Ukrainian Medical Magazine), 2004
Keywords: ionizing radiation, organic brain damage, magnetic-resonance imaging, morphometry
Abstract: The goal of the study was to determine the distinctive features of organic brain damage in remote period of exposure to ionizing radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident on the basis of morphometric analysis of cerebral magnetic-resonance images (MRI). There were examined 79 clean-up workers of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident with organic mental disorders following exposure to ionizing radiation in doses of 0,14–4,7 Gy, as well as 18 non-exposed patients with organic mental disorders. Visual and morphometric assessments of MRIs have been done. Morphometry of MRI included analysis of contrast coefficients between brain structures and cerebral liquor system, sizes of lateral ventricles and the third ventricle, indices of lateral ventricles bodies, frontal horns of lateral ventricles and the third ventricle. Cortical atrophy of cerebral hemispheres and damage of neuronal pathways in the dominant hemisphere are the characteristic morphometric neuroimaging features of organic brain damage in remote period of exposure to ionizing radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident. There was revealed the «dose–effect» relationship between the dose and the characteristic morphometric neuroimaging features of organic brain damage, starting with 0,3 Gy and increasing in proportion to the dose.
URL: http://www.umj.com.ua/article/937/morfometrichna-nejrovizualizacijna-xarakteristika-organichnogo-urazhennya-golovnogo-mozku-u-viddalenij-period-vplivu-ionizuyuchogo-viprominyuvannya-vnaslidok-chornobilskoi-katastrofi
Author: D.A. Bazyka, N.A. Golyarnik, N.V. Belyaeva
Reference: Kiev, 2007
Abstract: There is no data on web. For detailed information on the article contact the National Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine of Ukraine. The center’s home page is: http://www.national.rcrm.net.ua/index.php/en/
Author:K.Yu. Antipchuk
Reference: dissert.cand.med.sci., Kiev, 2005
Keywords: brain, left hemisphere, CNS
Abstract: The results of long-term observations indicate local radiation damage to the central nervous system, namely structures anterior left hemisphere, but there are also studies that advocate the existence of diffuse brain damage. Relative laterality of radiation damage to the brain is the evidence of declining functions of the right hemisphere to the left (relatively).
The article contains a whole range of literature: Surma-aho O. et al., 2001; Von der Weid N. et al., 2001; Precourt S. et al., 2002; Lam L.C., 2003; Vines E.F., 2003, Gamache G.L. et al., 2005, Armstrong C.L. et al., 2000; Surma-aho O. et al., 2001; Von der Weid N. et al., 2001; Lam L.C., 2003; Precourt S. et al., 2002, Loganovsky K.N., Loganovskaya T.K., 2000; Kieffer-Renaux V. et al., 2000; Flor-Henry P., 2001; Loganovsky K.N., Yuryev K.L., 2001, 2004; Surma-aho O. et al., 2001; Von der Weid N. et al., 2001; Precourt S. et al., 2002; Бомко М.О., 2004; Gamache G.L. et al., 2005 etc.
Author: K.Yu. Antipchuk
Reference: dissertation, 2005, Kiev
Keywords: cerebral system, Hiroshima Nagasaki, socio-medical aspect
Abstract: Currently, more and more clinical and experimental data reveal the effect of ionizing radiation onto the cerebral system. Epidemiological data of Hiroshima and Nagasaki also show the important role of ionizing radiation in the formation of non-tumor pathology and mortality… The work describes some socio-medical aspects of the aftermaths of the Chernobyl catstrophe. Shows dose-dependent markers of various pathologies. Introduces research results of researchers from all over the world.
(full article available on-line in Ukrainian)
URL: http://librar.org.ua/sections_load.php?s=medicine&id=2491