
カテゴリー「thyroid cancer」

The proportion of thyroid cancers in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors associated with natural background radiation


Title: The proportion of thyroid cancers in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors associated with natural background radiation

Author: M P Little
Reference: Journal of Radiological Protection, 22 (3), p.279-291, Sep 2002

doi: 10.1088/0952-4746/22/3/303

Abstract: …to this rule: for this cancer the exponent β seems…rate-limiting stages to thyroid cancer (Doll 1971). Given the…not implausible that thyroid exposure in early life…exposed as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear accident (Williams…

URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/0952-4746/22/3/303/

Experience in providing medical assistance to patients with thyroid diseases

Title: Experience in providing medical assistance to patients with thyroid diseases

Author: Kroupnik, Tadeush A / Smolenskaya, Nina A / Nikolayeva, Tatyana V / Kroupnik, Yelena V / Rafeenko, Svetlana M / Aladyeva, Liliya V

Reference: International Congress Series, 1234, p.21-27, May 2002

doi: 10.1016/S0531-5131(01)00591-X

Keywords: Chernobyl; Thyroid cancer; Mogilev

Abstract: …problems after the Chernobyl accident was…incidence of thyroid cancer among the population…children) of thyroid cancer have been diagnosed…years after the Chernobyl disaster. This…18-fold increase in thyroid cancer. The first case…

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S053151310100591X

Delineating Chromosomal Breakpoints in Radiation-Induced Papillary Thyroid Cancer

Title: Delineating Chromosomal Breakpoints in Radiation-Induced Papillary Thyroid Cancer
Author: Heinz-Ulrich G. Weier, Yuko Ito, Johnson Kwan, Jan Smida , Jingly F. Weier, Ludwig Hieber, Chung-Mei Lu, Lars Lehmann, Mei Wang, Haig J. Kassabian, Hui Zeng, Benjamin O’Brien

Reference: Genes 2011, 2, 397-419; [PDF-768K]Jul 2011

doi: 10.3390/genes2030397

Keywords: Chernobyl; neoplastic disease; papillary thyroid cancer; translocation; molecular cytogenetics; breakpoint delineation; fluorescence in situ hybridization; bacterial artificial chromosomes

Abstract: …tumors and papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs…regions. Keywords: Chernobyl neoplastic disease papillary thyroid cancer translocation molecular…studies of post-Chernobyl cases of PTC…radiation-induced childhood thyroid cancer: S96T, as…

URL: http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/2/3/397/pdf-vor

Pediatric Thyroid Carcinoma: Incidence and Outcomes in 1753 Patients


Title: Pediatric Thyroid Carcinoma: Incidence and Outcomes in 1753 Patients
Author: Hogan, Anthony R. / Zhuge, Ying / Perez, Eduardo A. / Koniaris, Leonidas G. / Lew, John I. / Sola, Juan E.

Reference: Journal of Surgical Research, 156 (1), p.167-172, Sep 2009

doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2009.03.098

Keywords: pediatrics; thyroid; cancer; tumors; outcomes; SEER

Abstract: …of pediatric thyroid cancer over the 31-y study…and the development of thyroid cancer averaged 8.5 y in…substantiated by the Chernobyl accident, is a well-established…well-differentiated thyroid cancer [15] . In our cohort…

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022480409001802

Surgical treatment of thyroid diseases in elderly patients

Title: Surgical treatment of thyroid diseases in elderly patients

Author: Raffaelli, Marco / Bellantone, Rocco / Princi, Pietro / De Crea, Carmela / Rossi, Esther D. / Fadda, Guido / Lombardi, Celestino P.

Reference: The American Journal of Surgery, 200 (4), p.467-472, Oct 2010

doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2009.12.020

Keywords: Elderly patients; Thyroid surgery; Thyroidectomy; Geriatric surgery; Thyroid cancer; Toxic goiter

Abstract: …surgery and treat the thyroid disease conservatively…therapy. The incidence of thyroid cancer has increased in recent…of incidence after the Chernobyl accident. 3,4 It is…factor in differentiated thyroid carcinoma. 5 Furthermore…

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000296101000173X

De novo ceramide synthesis is responsible for the anti-tumor properties of camptothecin and doxorubicin in follicular thyroid carcinoma

Title: De novo ceramide synthesis is responsible for the anti-tumor properties of camptothecin and doxorubicin in follicular thyroid carcinoma

Author: Rath, Geraldine / Schneider, Christophe / Langlois, Benoit / Sartelet, Hervé / Morjani, Hamid / Btaouri, Hassan E.L. / Dedieu, Stephane / Martiny, Laurent

Reference: The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 41 (5), p.1165-1172, May 2009

doi: 10.1016/j.biocel.2008.10.021

Keywords: Ceramide; Apoptosis; Thyroid; Cancer; Doxorubicin; Camptothecin

Abstract: …treatment. Follicular thyroid carcinomas were cultured for…control). 1 Introduction Thyroid malignant diseases represent…1995 ). After the Chernobyl tragedy in April 1986, the incidence rate of thyroid cancers rose more than…well-differentiated form of thyroid cancer, accounts for up to…

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1357272508004433

Radioactivity in persons exposed to fallout from the Chernobyl reactor accident

Title: Radioactivity in persons exposed to fallout from the Chernobyl reactor accident
Author: Schlenker, R.A. / Oltman, B.G. / Lucas, H.F.

Reference: DOE Scientific and Technical Information Jan 1987

Abstract: Measurements of fallout radioactivity were made in the thyroid region, abdomen, whole body, or urine of 96 persons who were in eastern Europe at the time of the Chernobyl reactor accident or who went there shortly afterward. The most frequently encountered radionuclides were /sup 131/I, sup 134,137/Cs, and /sup 103/Ru//sup 103/Rh. The median /sup 131/I activity in the thyroids of 42 subjects in whom radioiodine was detected and who were in Europe when the accident began was projected as 42 nCi the day the accident began….

URL: http://www.osti.gov/bridge/product.biblio.jsp?query_id=2&page=0&osti_id=5835048

Internally deposited fallout from the Chernobyl reactor accident

Title: Internally deposited fallout from the Chernobyl reactor accident

Author: Schlenker, R.A. / Oltman, B.G. / Lucas, H.F.

Reference: DOE Scientific and Technical Information Jan 1987

Abstract: Measurements of fallout radioactivity were made in the thyroid region, abdomen, whole body, or urine of 96 persons who were in eastern Europe at the time of the Chernobyl reactor accident or who went there shortly afterward. The most frequently encountered radionuclides were /sup 131/I, /sup 134,137/Cs, and /sup 103/Ru//sup 103/Rh. The median /sup 131/I activity in the thyroids of 42 subjects in whom radioiodine was detected and who were in Europe when the accident began was projected as 42 nCi the day the accident began….

URL: http://www.osti.gov/bridge/product.biblio.jsp?query_id=2&page=0&osti_id=5467237

Polymorphisms in the p53 gene in thyroid tumours and blood samples of children from areas in Belarus

Title: Polymorphisms in the p53 gene in thyroid tumours and blood samples of children from areas in Belarus
Author: Hillebrandt, S / Streffer, C / Demidchik, E.P / Biko, J / Reiners, Chr,

Reference: Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 381 (2), p.201-207, Nov 1997

doi: 10.1016/S0027-5107(97)00169-3

Abstract: We present changes in the p53 gene in a group of 70 thyroid tumours and 40 blood samples obtained from children from Belarus. Three thyroid tumours show a polymorphism in exon 6 (codon 213) and 5 tumours show a polymorphism in intron 6, 37 bp upstream to the 5′-end of exon 7. Only one patient has a mutation in exon 7 (codon 258) resulting in an amino acid substitution in the protein p53. …One polymorphism in intron 6 was also found in the group of 30 healthy children from Belarus. The fact that the differences in the sequence in p53 found in the tumours was also seen in the blood of these patients demonstrates that they are polymorphisms not induced by radiation exposure. It is difficult to conclude, if the polymorphisms found by us could be associated with the predisposition to radiation-induced cancer.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0027510797001693

Health risks associated with environmental radiation exposures


Title: Health risks associated with environmental radiation exposures
Author: Scott Davis

Reference: Journal of Radiological Protection, 32 (1), p.N21-N25, Mar 2012

doi: 10.1088/0952-4746/32/1/N21

Abstract: An accident like Chernobyl or a natural disaster like that at Fukushima provides a unique opportunity to learn more about the health risks from environmental radiation exposures. However, establishing the infrastructure and expertise required to design and conduct all aspects of a complex field study presents formidable challenges. This paper summarises the principal findings from the main studies of environmental radiation exposure that have been successfully undertaken. Although such studies are often exceedingly difficult to conduct, and may be limited by an ecologic design, they can be informative in assessing risk. Any new environmental study that is initiated should focus on special circumstances; additional ecological studies are not recommended.

URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/0952-4746/32/1/N21/
