
Admission to the bibliographic database MRRC RAMS “Chernobyl” in 2001

Reference: Радиация и риск (Radiation and Risk) (Бюллетень Национального радиационно-эпидемиологического регистра) 2002 Номер выпуска: 13

Abashova E.V.: Children’s health in the area of accomodation of NPP: dissert. cand.med.sci.

Abrosimov A.Yu., Il’in A.A., Rumyantsev P.O., Severskaya N.V., Dvinskikh N.Yu., Terent’yev R.O.: Clinic-morphological characteristics of follicular thyroid tumors in young people living in the contaminated areas / Problems of Endocrinology.

Abugova M.A.: Change of threshold of pain sensitivity in patients with depersonalization, depending on the effect of therapy / / Social and Clinical Psychiatry. – 2001. – № 3. – S. 14-17.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/postupleniya-v-bibliograficheskuyu-bazu-dannyh-mrnts-ramn-chernobyl-v-2001-godu



