
カテゴリー「anthropology, literature, art」

Causes and consequences. Chernobyl documentary story “Chernobyl” Author: Yu.Scherbak

Title: Causes and consequences. Chernobyl documentary story “Chernobyl”

Author: Yu.Scherbak

Reference: Publisher “Soviet writer”, 1988

Keywords: Documentary story, Chernobyl

Abstract: Yu Roman Shcherbakov “Causes and Consequences” is devoted to Soviet physicians, epidemiologists who study one of the most dangerous viruses – the rabies virus.
Documentary novel “Chernobyl” – tells us about the tragedy that took place on April 26, 1986.


Voices of the departed villages

Title: Voices of the departed villages

Author: Nechayeva G.G, Lopatin G.I, Leontyeva S.I, Drobushevskiy A.I Ph.D.

Reference: “Belarusian Science”, Minsk 2008

Keywords: museum, traditions, villages, folklore, iconography

Abstract: Artistic culture and tradition of the lost villages (due to the Chernobyl tragedy) are being presented.

URL: http://www.irina-alex.net/golosa-ushedshih-dereven/

Research Note for the Interviews with the Residents Who Used to Live in Prypiat near Chernobyl, Ukraine

Title: Research Note for the Interviews with the Residents Who Used to Live in Prypiat near Chernobyl, Ukraine

Author: Kawano, Noriyuki

Reference: 広島平和科学(Hiroshima heiwa kagaku): Hiroshima Peace Science Vol.33 page.119-136 (2011)

Keywords: Prypiat,Ukraine, Fukushima, evacuees

Abstract: This research note is a memorandum for our interviews with those who lived in Prypiat city near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The inhabitants in Prypiat had to be evacuated to other places due to the nuclear accidents in April, 1986. We conducted the interviews with them in order to examine one of several aspects of the socioeconomic and psychological sufferings they endured. The results of our survey show that there are some remarkable damages such as loss of property and home; disintegration of labor ability, places of education and community.



Chernobyl, days of trial

Title: Chernobyl, days of trial

Author: Schkoda Vadim Gregoryevich

Reference: Publisher: Radyans’ka pismennik, 1988, Kyiv

Keywords: literature, memoirs, documents

Abstract: Book of testimonies; poems, essays, short stories, fragments from novels, tales, and interviews. ‘Chernobyl, days of trial’ contains both, documentaries and fiction work.

URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/books/32-chernobyl-dni-ispytaniy.html

Chernobyl. Revenge of the peaceful atom

Title: Chernobyl. Revenge of the peaceful atom

Author: Karpan N.

Reference: 2005

Abstract: The book contains 570 pages. The history of the development of nuclear science and technology from the creation of the atomic bomb till the tragic consequences of Chernobyl is being presented.

URL: http://www.souzchernobyl.org/?id=842

Alive as long as we remembered

Title: Alive as long as we remembered

Author: Alexander Kupniy

Reference: Kharkov, 2011 [The book is published with the kind permission from the author]

Keywords: memories, photos, literature, liquidation

Abstract: This is a book of memories. People that experienced Chernobyl talk about their work, which is considered heroic. This book contains 12 stories that tell us about the aftermath of the accident, life and work under ultraboundary conditions.

URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/books/196-zhivy-poka-nas-pomnyat.html

Photo Planet: Chernobyl

Title: Photo Planet: Chernobyl

Keywords: photography

Abstract: photos of Chernobyl

URL: http://foto-planeta.com/np/457/chernobyl.html

The Poems of Lyubov Sirota

Title: The Poems of Lyubov Sirota

Author: Lyubov Sirota

Keywords: Pripyat, poetry

Abstract: The Chernobyl tragedy took place in front of Lubov Sirota’s eyes. She experienced the pain of parting with her home town, Pripyat, friends, family … Lyubov Sirota – a poet with a unique sense of time. Reflections on the mutilated nature, human tragedies, love – these are the main themes of her poetry.

URL: http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/svityk


Chernobyl: the inevitable results of secrecy

Title: Chernobyl: the inevitable results of secrecy

Author: Alexander Shlyakhter and Richard Wilson

Reference: Public Understand. Sci. 1251-259

Keywords: USSR, health effects

Abstract: The Chernobyl accident was the inevitable outcome of a combination of bad design, bad management and bad communication practices in the Soviet nuclear industry. We review the causes of the accident, its impact on Soviet society, and its effects on the health of the population in the surrounding areas. It appears that the secrecy that was endemic in the USSR has bad profound negative effects on both technological safety and public health.

URL: http://www.broadinstitute.org/~ilya/alex/92a_chernobyl_secrecy.pdf

Chernobyl: A Reassessment

Title: Chernobyl: A Reassessment

Author: David R. Marples

Reference: Eurasian Geography and Economics, Volume 45, Issue 8, 2004, pages 588-607

DOI: 10.2747/1538-7216.45.8.588

Keywords: declassified documents,  KGB, September 1982 Chernobyl accident

Abstract: A Canadian specialist on Ukraine and the historic accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station provides a reassessment of the disaster on the basis of recently declassified documents of the Ukrainian KGB. The new information makes it possible in several instances to clarify details surrounding the accident and its aftermath. It also adds support to the argument that problems with equipment, operating procedures, and the safety regime at Chernobyl were far from isolated occurrences, but rather were endemic, as manifest in a serious September 1982 accident at the plant that was concealed from the world by Soviet authorities.

URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2747/1538-7216.45.8.588#.Udt6YKxLOM0
