
Preparation of mediator amino acids in complex treatment for hypertensive disease among liquidators of the Chernobyl accident (its pharmacodynamics and impact on the quality of life)

Author: DAVIDOV, Il’ya Nikolayevich
Reference: Dissert. Cand. Med. Sci., Volgograd, 2003
Keywords: cardiology, angiology

Abstract: our aim is to improve treatment results and quality of life of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, suffering from hypertension, by introducing preparations of mediator amino acids into the complex treatment.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/preparaty-mediatornykh-aminokislot-v-kompleksnom-lechenii-gipertonicheskoi-bolezni-u-likvida

Assessment of components of dose loads in the population of the Tula region, located within the “zone” of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Author: Zhivchik, Aleksandr Vyacheslavovich.

Reference: Dissert. Cand. Tech. Sci., Tula, 2003.

Keywords: accident, radioactive trace area, population, radionuclides, Russia, Chernobyl NPP

Abstract: Aim: establishment of a new and refinement of the existing concepts of patterns of formation of major components of radiation loads in the population of the Tula region located in the “zone” of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, for further rehabilitation of the areas exposed to 137Cs. An empirical dependence for evaluating the intensity of horizontal migration of radionuclide 137Cs in the soil is presented.

URL: http://envcity.com/ocyenka-sostavlyayushcih-dozovih-nagruzok-nasyelyeniya-tulskoy-oblasti-nahodyashcyegosya-v-zonye-slyeda-avarii-na-chyernobilskoy-aes/ http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/82309/Оценка-составляющих-дозовых-нагрузок-населения-Тульской-области-находящегося-в-зоне-следа-аварии-на-Чернобыльской

Hygienic assessment of health risk of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident and preventive measures therefor

Author: ROMANOVICH, Ivan Konstantinovich

Reference: dissertation, Doc. of Med. Sci., St. Petersburg.: 2003

Keywords: liquidators, health hazard

Abstract: The aim of the study is to establish a comprehensive assessment of the exposure levels and health risk of of persons involved in the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on scientific basis to develop measures to prevent disease and improve the system of state monitoring of the health of persons exposed to radiation factor.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/gigienicheskaya-otsenka-riska-narushenii-zdorovya-u-likvidatorov-avarii-na-chernobylskoi-aes http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/73271/Гигиеническая-оценка-риска-нарушений-здоровья-у-ликвидаторов-аварии-на-Чернобыльской-АЭС-и-меры-их-профилактики

Comprehensive clinico-radiologic diagnostics and treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis among liquidators of the Chernobyl accident

Author: Efimov, Leonid Petrovich.

Reference: dissert. Candidate of Medical Sciences: Kazan: 2005.

Keywords: prostate, liquidators

Abstract: Study of X-ray and ultrasound semiotics and features of clinical manifestations of chronic abacterial prostatitis among the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the remote period after the accident: development and introduction of treatment and rehabilitation.

URL: http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/71096/Комплексная-клинико-лучевая-диагностика-и-лечение-хронического-абактериального-простатита-у-ликвидаторов-последствий

Clinical and dynamic characterization of organic affective disorders and their pharmacological correction among the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident

Author: Dvorkina, Tatiana Vasilievna.
Reference: Thesis. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Tomsk: 2005.
Keywords: Psychiatry, Affective Disorder

Abstract: Our aim is to establish basic clinical and dynamic patterns of development and structure of organic affective disorders among liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, to determine optimal scheme of pharmacotherapy in complex rehabilitation programs.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/kliniko-dinamicheskaya-kharakteristika-organicheskikh-affektivnykh-rasstroistv-i-ikh-farmako

Clinical and morphological characteristics of subcellular organization of gastroduodenal mucosa among liquidators of the Chernobyl accident

Author: Belokopytov, Igor Yurievich.

Reference: Dissert. Candidate of Medical Sciences: St. Petersburg.: 2005

Keywords: duodenum, liquidators

Abstract: Our aim is to identify clinical and endoscopic characteristics and study the ultrastructural condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum among liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/kliniko-morfologicheskaya-kharakteristika-subkletochnoi-organizatsii-slizistoi-obolochki-gas

The distribution of chromosome damage, non-reciprocal translocations and clonal aberrations in lymphocytes from Chernobyl clean-up workers

Title: The distribution of chromosome damage, non-reciprocal translocations and clonal aberrations in lymphocytes from Chernobyl clean-up workers

Author: Kirby L Johnson, Joginder Nath, Janice M Pluth, James D Tucker

Reference: Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, Volume 439, Issue 1, 2 February 1999, Pages 77–85

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1383-5718(98)00177-6

Keywords: Chernobyl; Chromosome translocation; Radiation; Clone

Abstract: In this paper we determined whether the frequencies of translocations and insertions are proportional to chromosome size in peripheral blood lymphocytes from Chernobyl nuclear accident clean-up workers and healthy unexposed control subjects. The frequency of aberrations among chromosomes 1, 2 and 4 in both groups was found to be significantly different from the distribution expected on the basis of chromosome size, although the difference was only marginally significant in controls. We also determined whether differences exist in aberration frequencies measured by two scoring systems: the classical method, where reciprocal exchanges are scored as one event, and PAINT, where each break junction is scored as a single event. The two scoring systems gave highly correlated results which yielded an interpretable arithmetic relationship between frequency measurements using the two systems. Approximately 34% of all translocations were observed to be non-reciprocal, and cells bearing clones of abnormal cells were observed in 6 of 198 subjects (3.0%). Our results demonstrate that clones of abnormal cells and the presence of non-reciprocal translocations contribute to the non-proportional distribution of radiation-induced and spontaneous cytogenetic damage.


Human cytogenetic consequences of the Chernobyl accident

Title: Human cytogenetic consequences of the Chernobyl accident

Author: V.A. Schevchenko, E.A. Akayeva, I.M. Yeliseyeva, T.V. Yelisova, E.L. Yofa, I.N. Nilova, A.B. Syomov,

W. Burkart

Reference: Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects, Volume 361, Issue 1, 26 September 1996, Pages 29–34

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0165-1161(96)90226-5

Keywords: Chernobyl; Radiation effect; Lymphocyte; Chromosome aberration; Automated dicentric analysis

Abstract: The frequency of chromosomal aberrations was evaluated in more than 500 liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. The ‘sarcophagus’ builders and the dosimetrists showed the highest frequency of aberrations per 100 cells: 3.24 ± 0.25 and 3.11 ± 0.43. For Chernobyl Atomic Power Station staff members the mean frequencies of aberrations per 100 cells was 2.37 ± 0.20. The mean yields of aberrations in the other groups was between 1.31 and 1.47 per 100 cells. If the mean frequencies of aberrations are converted into equivalent whole body doses, values between 136 and 414 mGy are obtained. Especially in the group of ‘sarcophagus’ builders, the yields of aberrations varied interindividually and corresponded to equivalent whole body doses of up to about 2 Gy.


Chromosome aberrations in inhabitants of Byelorussia: consequence of the Chernobyl accident

Title: Chromosome aberrations in inhabitants of Byelorussia: consequence of the Chernobyl accident

Author: L. Verschaeve, E.V. Domracheva, S.A. Kuznetsov and V.V. Nechai

Reference: Mutation Res., 287 (1993), pp. 253–259

Keywords: Chromosome analysis; Chernobyl, Belarus

Abstract: A cytogenetic analysis was performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes from 35 persons belonging to the ‘general population’ of Gomel or its surroundings (Byelorussia). This region was heavily contaminated by the nuclear fall-out following the radiation accident at Chernobyl. An elevated frequency of chromosome aberrations was found in most of the subjects. The type and frequency of the aberrations revealed past and possibly present radiation exposure which could be ascribed to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant about 5 years prior to the analysis.


A Study on the Prefectural Distribution of Radioactive Cesium Concentrations in Dried Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) Produced in Japan

Title: A Study on the Prefectural Distribution of Radioactive Cesium Concentrations in Dried Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) Produced in Japan

Author: Masami SHIMIZU, Ikuro ANZAI, Masahiro FUKUSHI, Yoshiyuki NYUUI

Reference: RADIOISOTOPES, Vol. 46 (1997) No. 5 P 272-280

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3769/radioisotopes.46.272

Keywords: radioactive cesium, dried Lentinula edodes (Shiitake), regional distribution, Japanese product

Abstract: After the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, relatively high radioactive cesium levels were detected in various mushrooms produced in many countries. Mushrooms have a high transfer factor, showing a relatively high uptake of cesium from wood and soil in which they grow. In the present investigation, we analyzed radioactive cesium concentrations contained in the dried Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) produced in various prefectures all over Japan, and examined the effectiveness of this mushroom as an indicator of radioactive contamination of environment due to nuclear explosion tests and Chernobyl power plant accident.

