Title: Clinical and laboratory criteria of the aging process acceleration among the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident
Author: Alhutova, Natalia Alexandrovna
Reference: St. Petersburg, 2005
Keywords: Clinical laboratory diagnostics, endocrine system, aging process, immune system, antioxidant system, liquidators
Abstract: Research aim; on the basis of the study of clinical-laboratory parameters of neuroendocrine, immune and antioxidant systems, to show the existence of the phenomenon of premature aging in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.
Title: Characteristics of clinical -neurological, dopplerographic and computed-tomography changes in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident with paroxysmal vegetative disorders
Author: Batischeva, Elena Ivanovna
Reference: Moscow, 2006
Keywords: neurological disease, liquidators, paroxysmal autonomic disorders
Abstract: Objective: To study the clinical-neurological, dopplerographic and neuroimaging characteristics of liquidators with paroxysmal vegetative disorders, and on this basis to clarify the clinical form, structure and risk factors of vegetative paroxysms.
Title: Characteristics of psychosomatic disorders in liquidators of radiation accidents and their neuropeptide correction
Author: Sorkin, Vadim Vadimovich
Reference: St. Petersburg, 2009
Keywords: psychosomatic disorders, liquidators, radiation accidents, neuropeptide correction, Veterans of Special Risk Division (VSRD-rus. ВПОР), distant period, healing effect, peptide bioregulator, Cortexin
Abstract: The purpose of the study: the state of psychosomatic health of radiation accidents’ liquidators that were exposed to radiation during the execution – Veterans of Special Risk Division (VSRD-rus. ВПОР), and the Liquidators of the Chernobyl Accident (LCA) in the long term, and most importantly – to determine the characteristics of therapeutic effects on them of peptide bioregulator – drug Cortexin.
Reference: News RIA 24, May, 2012
Keywords: Liquidators, Fukushima, dosimeter, Iodine 131
Abstract: Researcher of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster Kiyohiko Mabuchi (US National Cancer institute) says, there might be little increase of carcinoma among liquidators of Fukushima. Comparing Fukushima to Chernobyl, the exposure dose in Japan is much lower than the latter.
URL: http://www.atomic-energy.ru/news/2012/05/24/33624
Title: Dismissal, disability and mortality among soldiers – the liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster
Author: Kuznetsov, Alexander Vasilyevich
Reference: St. Petersburg, 2005
Keywords: dismissal, disability, mortality, soldiers, liquidators
Abstract: The purpose of the study – to conduct a retrospective and epidemiological analysis of dismissal indicators, disability and mortality among soldiers, ministry of defense retirees and civil personnel who participated in the liquidation of Chernobyl disaster consequences, and on this basis to develop proposals and practical recommendations to improve the dynamic monitoring of the following; categories of the personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Title: Medical and social bases of morbidity, disability and improving the social protection of the disabled as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
Author: Abazieva, Natalia Leonidovna
Reference: Moscow, 2007
Keywords: social protection systems, rehabilitation, disability, victims, liquidators, prophylaxis, disease
Abstract: Objective: Design and justification of the medical-social rehabilitation and social support of the population affected by the radiation accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the long term period based on a study of its aftermath, morbidity indicators, mortality and disability.
Title: Features of disability, medical and social examination and rehabilitation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant liquidators
Author: Aphonina Kira Pavlovna
Reference: I.P. Pavlov St. Petersburg State Medical University, 2004
Keywords: disability, liquidators, medical and social examination, rehabilitation, consequences
Abstract: The purpose of the study – to study the characteristics of disability and justify the organizational forms of medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.
Title: Thyroid Gland Pathology among Chernobyl NPP Disaster Fighters Living within Ozyorsk Area
Author: Rabinovich E.I., Povolotskaya S.V., Shorokhova V.B., Turdakova V.A., Egorov A.N., Ryzhova E.F., Siniborova E.A., Privalov V.A.
ISSN: 1816-9643
Keywords:Ozyorsk, liquidator
Abstract: Relation between radioactive impact and thyroid pathology was investigated among the Chernobyl NPPdisaster fighters living within the Ozyorsk area. It was revealed that the prevalence of all thyroid illnesseswithin the group of Ozyorsk residents, who was subjected to the higher radiation risk due to the post-accidental activities in the Chernobyl NPP, did not differ from that one among the population not subjected toany man-induced radiation impact. Among male fighters there were no differences noted for any nosologicillness form. At the same time among females a significant excess of nodular goiter is revealed comparedwith the control group (OP =1.5 at 95% confidence limit 1.0-2.3). This difference is conditioned by thesub-group of females subjected in the childhood to the radiation impact of the body burden radionuclides,particularly 131I due to residence in the area of Mayak PA influence. It is demonstrated that the prevalenceof thyroid pathology is significantly related to the non-radiation risk factors: sex (2.5 times higher forfemales than for males) and age (1.6 times higher for persons after 60 years old), which complys that is incompliance with published data.
URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11659551
Title: Neurological, neuropsychological and neurophysiological manifestations of premature aging in participants of liquidation of the Chernobyl accident
Author: Kholodova, Nina Balaevna
Reference: Moscow, 2011
Keywords: gerontology, geriatrics, neurologic manifestations, neuropsychological manifestations, neurophysiological manifestations, premature aging, liquidators
Abstract: The aim of this study was the development of the concept of premature aging of organism in liquidators working in the area of Chernobyl accident in 1986-87, during long-term after the works of liquidation of the accident’ consequences.
Title: Clinical and psycho-physiological features of the course of peptic ulcer in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, the effectiveness of reflex methods in the treatment and rehabilitation
Author: Listopadov, Yuri Ivanovich
Reference: St. Petersburg, 2002
Keywords: peptic ulcer disease, reflex methods, physical methods, comprehensive treatment, rehabilitation, liquidators
Abstract: The purpose of the study. Based on the study of clinical and psycho-physiological characteristics of the course of peptic ulcer in liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the long term to justify the optimal patterns of use of reflex and physical therapies in the treatment and their rehabilitation.