Title: Dr. Robert Udelsman, Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Yale School of Medicine, discusses The Latest Information on Thyroid Cancer on Yale Cancer Center Answers
Reference: [PDF-318K]Jul 2011
Abstract: …increased incidence in thyroid cancer 20-30 years later…of accidents such as Chernobyl or other radiation exposure…period where they develop thyroid cancer later in life. Miller If we talk about Chernobyl or any kind of exposure…
URL: https://medicine.yale.edu/cancer/podcasts/Answers_Nov_25_07.pdf
Title: Thyroid Cancer
Reference: A Focus on Thyroid Cancer [PDF-574K]Jul 2011
Abstract: …risk factors for thyroid cancer? Udelsman Yes, there sure…and they are at risk for thyroid cancer throughout their lives…accidents, for instance, the Chernobyl population, are all at risk for thyroid cancer for the rest of their lives…
URL: https://medicine.yale.edu/cancer/podcasts/Answers_May_17_09.pdf
Title: 160 Estimation of Thyroid Doses from Inhalation of 131 I for…
Author: Vladimir A. KNATKO and Inga N. DOROZHOK
Reference: [PDF-186K]Oct 2002
Abstract: …Thyroid cancers risk assessments obtained in the framework of the ICRP recommendations by using the doses derived from thyroid measurements show an excess of observed thyroid cancer cases over the expected number [3]. In this connection the assessment of thyroid doses from inhalation and ingestion of 131I is of interest for a prediction of radiological consequences by the Chernobyl accident….
URL: http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/NSRG/reports/kr79/kr79pdf/Knatko2.pdf
Title: Infant’s bilobar thyroid agenesis and mother’s I-131 accidental administration
Author: Zhao, Shuquan / Chen, Xiao / Zhu, Guoying
Reference: Annales d’Endocrinologie, 74 (1), p.62-64, Feb 2013
doi: 10.1016/j.ando.2012.10.004
Abstract: …associated with bilobar thyroid agenesis. The total absorbed…for the observed bilobar thyroid agenesis. 3 Conclusions…effects. But data from Chernobyl fallout did demonstrate an increased risk of thyroid cancer [15] . In this case…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003426612012279
Title: Cancers of thyroid gland in Latvia after Chernobyl accident. Patients with post radiation syndrome (PRS)
Author: Gardovskis, J. / Lemanis, A. / Ritenberga, R.
Reference: European Journal of Cancer, 35 (Supplement 4), p.S213, Sep 1999
doi: 10.1016/S0959-8049(99)81265-9
Abstract: …entiated carcinoma of thyroid gland. 837 PUBLICATION Cancers of thyroid gland in Latvia after Chernobyl accident. Patients with…Patients observation with thyroid gland diseases after…thyroid gland including cancer. The patients operated…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959804999812659
Title: Solid cancer incidence in the Republic of Belarus (1970-2007) – 16 years before and 22 years after Chernobyl accident
Author: Veyalkin, I. / Averkin, Y. / Zalutsky, I.
Reference: European Journal of Cancer Supplements, 6 (9), p.43, Jul 2008
doi: 10.1016/S1359-6349(08)71341-7
Abstract: …p73 variant allele and cancer of the oral cavity [Odds Ratio…results. 167 Poster Solid cancer incidence in the Republic…before and 22 years after Chernobyl accident I. Veyalkin…Medical Radiology, Cancer Epidemiology, Minsk…certain level then. Thyroid cancer incidence jumped…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359634908713417
Title: Estimated long term health effects of the Chernobyl accident
Author: Cardis, E. [International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon (France)]
Reference: Jul 1996 DOE Scientific and Technical Information
Abstract: …These increases would be difficult to detect epidemiologically against an expected background number of 41500 and 433000 cases of cancer respectively among the two groups. The exposures for populations due to the Chernobyl accident are different in type and pattern from those of the survivors of the atomic bombing of Japan. Thus predictions derived from studies of these populations are uncertain. The extent of the incidence of thyroid cancer was not envisaged. Since only ten years have lapsed since the accident, continued monitoring of the health of the population is essential to assess the public health impact.
URL: http://www.osti.gov/bridge/product.biblio.jsp?query_id=2&page=0&osti_id=381695
Title: Reply to: Low prevalence of BRAF mutations in radiation-induced thyroid tumors in contrast to sporadic papillary carcinomas
Author: Lima, Jorge / Trovisco, Vítor / Soares, Paula / Máximo, Valdemar / Magalhães, João / Salvatore, Giuliana / Santoro, Massimo / (…) / Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel
Reference: Cancer Letters, 230 (1), p.149-150, Dec 2005
doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2004.10.053
Keywords: BRAF mutation; Thyroid cancer; Chernobyl; Ionizing radiation
Abstract: Our findings both support and extend those of Nikiforova et al. [M.N. Nikiforova, R. Ciampi, G. Salvatore, M. Santoro, M. Gandhi, J.A. Knauf, et al., Low prevalence of BRAF mutations in radiation-induced thyroid tumors in contrast to sporadic papillary carcinomas, Cancer Lett. 209 (2004) 1–6]: BRAF mutations are rare in childhood PTC, both in an irradiation setting and in sporadic tumors.
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304383505000029
Title: Characteristics of follicular tumors and nonneoplastic thyroid lesions in children and adolescents exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster: Y. Nikiforov, C. Heffess, A. Korzenko, et al. Cancer 76:900–909, (September), 1995
Author: Silen, Mark L
Reference: Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 31 (3), p.456-457, Mar 1996
doi: 10.1016/S0022-3468(96)90816-7
Abstract: …Tumors and Nonneoplastic Thyroid Lesions in Children…Radiation as a Result of the Chernobyl Disaster. Y. Nikiforov…Korzenko, et al. Cancer 76:900-909, (September…Malignant and benign thyroid neoplasms are known…nuclear power station in Chernobyl. The authors review…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022346896908167
Title: Chernobyl Sasakawa Health and Medical Cooperation Project
Author: Shigematsu, Itsuzo
Reference: International Congress Series, 1234, p.3-6, May 2002
doi: 10.1016/S0531-5131(01)00589-1
Keywords: Chernobyl accident; Sasakawa Project; Thyroid cancer; Tissue bank; Telemedicine
Abstract: …A telemedicine program between the Gomel Center and Nagasaki University School of Medicine, and an international cooperative project to establish thyroid cancer tissue banks are also being implemented. It is expected that all these programs have contributed to their original objectives, which were to provide support for the three Republics in their efforts to supply the best medical care for the people affected by the Chernobyl accident.
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0531513101005891