Author: S. V. Kruglov, G. V. Lavrent’eva, Yu. A. Pivovarova, V. S. Anisimov
Reference: Eurasian Soil Science, 2010
ISSN: 1556-195x
DOI: 10.1134/S1064229310030130
Keywords: co, zn, soil, plants, podzolic soil, chernozem, isotope
Abstract: The effect of Co and Zn on the accumulation of 60Co and 65Zn by plants was studied in experiments with growing barley on a soddy-podzolic soil and a chernozem containing the radionuclide and increasing concentrations (from the background level to a high degree of contamination) of the corresponding metal. The root uptake of 60Co was directly related to the soil contamination with Co and its accumulation in the plants, while an inverse relationship was observed between the activity of 65Zn in the plants and the content of Zn in the soil. It was concluded that the transfer of the radionuclide into the plants under mixed radioactive and chemical contamination depended, on the one hand, on the mobile reserve of the stable nuclide in the soil and the solid phase potential to release its ions into the soil solution and, on the other hand, on the requirement of the plants for this element and the uptake rate of its ions by the roots from the solution.
Author: S. V. Kruglov, G. V. Lavrent’eva, Yu. A. Pivovarova, V. S. Anisimov
Reference: Eurasian Soil Science, 2010
ISSN: 1556-195x
DOI: 10.1134/S1064229310030130
Keywords: co, zn, soil, plants, podzolic soil, chernozem, isotope
Abstract: The effect of Co and Zn on the accumulation of 60Co and 65Zn by plants was studied in experiments with growing barley on a soddy-podzolic soil and a chernozem containing the radionuclide and increasing concentrations (from the background level to a high degree of contamination) of the corresponding metal. The root uptake of 60Co was directly related to the soil contamination with Co and its accumulation in the plants, while an inverse relationship was observed between the activity of 65Zn in the plants and the content of Zn in the soil. It was concluded that the transfer of the radionuclide into the plants under mixed radioactive and chemical contamination depended, on the one hand, on the mobile reserve of the stable nuclide in the soil and the solid phase potential to release its ions into the soil solution and, on the other hand, on the requirement of the plants for this element and the uptake rate of its ions by the roots from the solution.
Author: Boguslavskaya N.V.
Reference: Gazette “ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ В АПК” (Ecological safety in agriculture), 2011
ISSN: 1726-2211
Keywords: anthropogenic contamination, potassium humate, cesium, radionuclides, plants, agriculture
Author: Opisova N.I.
Reference: Gazette “ВЕТЕРИНАРИЯ” (veterinary), 2010
ISSN: 1726-9628
Keywords: waterbirds, radioactive contamination, cesium, pasture, feed, poultry, accumulation, radionuclides, family farms, environmentally safe products, Tatarstan
Author: Fisinin V.I., Il’yazov R.G
Reference: Gazette “ПТИЦА И ПТИЦЕПРОДУКТЫ” (poultry and poultry products), 2009
ISSN: 2073-4999
DOI: 636.59 : 631.438
Keywords: radionuclide contamination, poultry, environment, meat, 137cs
Abstract: The article presents data concerning the migration of cesium-137 in the chain “soil – plant (feed) – the bird – products (meat)”, as well as limits of acceptable content of radionuclides in feed and permissible contamination of pastures for waterfowl. Suggests ways to reduce the concentration of cesium-137 in the organism and meat of poultry by applying sorbents and culinary processing, which are successfully implemented in conditions of radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl disaster.
Full article available at: (Russian)
Author: Milevskaya I.A.
Reference: Gazette “ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ В АПК” (Ecological safety in agriculture), 2004
ISSN: 1726-2211
Keywords: BARLEY, HORDEUM VULGARE, resistance to disease, stem rust, PUCCINIA GRAMINIS, Helminthosporium, soil contamination, heavy metals, radioactive contamination, cesium, laboratory experiments, vegetation experiments, yield structure, Kaluga region, COCHLIOBOLUS SATIVUS
Author: V.V. Stukalova
Reference: Dissertation, Obninisk, 2002
Keywords: health care, low-dose radiation, monitoring
Abstract: Modern radio-biological concept of low doses of ionizing radiation and the organization of the study of radiation accidents (literature review)
1.1. The impact of low-dose radiation on biological objects and systems
1.2. Epidemiological data on the effects of low-dose radiation
1.3. Organizational aspects of health care provision in radiation accidents and conducting of long-term monitoring of affected individuals
Radioecological situation in the Kaluga region after the Chernobyl accident, the radiation dose of the population. Total volume of the research methodology and analysis of the dynamic monitoring of the health of the pediatric population in the years 19921996. (Materials and Methods) …
Author: I.A. Zvonova
Reference: Dissertation, doctor of technological sciences, St. Petersburg, 2003
Keywords: radio-iodine, food, environment
Abstract: The purpose of research is to develop methods and assessment of thyroid doses to the residents of Russia, exposed to radioactive iodine isotopes from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Studies of the incidence of thyroid cancer due to the absorbed dose to the thyroid and in the assessment of the risk of additional thyroid cancers caused by radiation. Achieving this goal is based on the results of monitoring of iodine radionuclides in the environment, food, in the human body, which was conducted in May-June 1986.
Author: N.L. Khrebtova
Reference: Dissertation, candidate of midical sciences, Perm, 2003
Keywords: liquidator, remote period observation, neuro-psychic analyses, algorithm
Abstract: Objectives of the study:
- To study the overall health condition of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in the 1986-87 and 1988-90 in the long term (after 12-16 years), including the analysis of patterns of disease, and the nature of somatic and neuropsychiatric disease.
- Assess the clinical condition of the thyroid system of the participants of work at Chernobyl in the long term.
- To study the characteristics of the formation of arterial hypertension of the liquidators, the medical display of cardiovascular disease in this population.
- To analyze the dynamics of the state of neuro-psychic sphere of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in remote period, to identify the relationship thyroid dysfunction and neuropsychiatric status of liquidators.
- To develop an algorithm of actions of the physician in the study of thyroid system of liquidators, management recommendations of this group of patients, and for the correction of violations.
Author: Klimova E.V.
Reference: Gazette “ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ В АПК” (Ecological safety in agriculture), 2004
ISSN: 1726-2211
Keywords: Sod-podzolic soil, sandy soil, soil profile, radioactive pollution, transport of substances, agricultural landscapes Chernobyl, Russia