カテゴリー「contamination and decontamination」
Author: Podolyak A. G., Timofeev S. F., Grebenshikova N. V., Arastovich T. V., Zhdanovich V. P.
Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2005
ISSN: 0869-8031
DOI: 574.41.5:539.163:633.2.031:631.82: 631.86:546.36:546.42
Keywords: 137cs, 90sr, accumulation, agricultural sphere, soil
Abstract: On the basis of long-term stationary experience it was established that the minimum accumulation quantities for 137Cs and 90Sr in the herbage of the dry, lowland and flood-plain types of the Belarus Polessje meadows contaminated with Chernobyl radionuclides are determined when the optimum of basic agrochemical soil properties is achieved with application of the scientifically reasonable protective measures. For remote prognosis of radionuclide contents in natural and cultural meadow herbage the use of transfer factors (TFa, (Bq/kg)(kBq/m2)) based on the complex agrochemical parameters–agrochemical cultivation soil index (Icd) and basic saturation degree (V, %), which take into account some soil characteristics simultaneously, is a streamlined approach. This paper provides the equations of linear and multiple regressions, which can be used to calculate the transfer factors for 137Cs and 90Sr uptake and the herbage contamination degree for the main types of meadows of the region, that will allow reducing the volume of forage production (hay, green bulk), which is not adequate to established permissible levels: “Republican allowable levels of the contents of 137Cs and 90Sr in agricultural raw material and forages”.
URL: http://lib.bioinfo.pl/pmid:15810531
Author: E. K. Legin, Yu. I. Trifonov, M. L. Khokhlov, D. N. Suglobov, E. E. Legina, V. K. Legin
Reference: Gazette “Radiochemistry“, 2008
DOI: 10.1134/S1066362208010177
Keywords: strontium, decontamination, waterlogged soils, 90sr, 137cs, river
Abstract: Gleyzation-mediated leaching of radiostrontium from floodplain soils of the Krasnoyarsk Mining and Chemical Combine (MCC) activity zone [Atamanovskii Island (front part), Oseredysh Island (front part), and Berezovyi Island (rear part)] is studied with model systems. Leaching of radiostrontium from waterlogged soils is analyzed in terms of the model of anaerobic biosolubilization of gel films. The leaching of radiostrontium is found to correlate with that of iron, confirming the cosolubilization model. Addition of glucose (0.5%) as a stimulant for growth of iron-reducing microorganisms increases the dynamic coefficient of radiostrontium leaching, particularly in soils with lower organic matter content. The model experiments showed that the radiostrontium leaching rate from floodplain soil is higher by 2–3 orders of magnitude than that of radio-cesium, suggesting the possibility of escape of radiostrontium from the floodplain of the Yenisei River with the intrasoil runoff. This conclusion is supported by the experimental data on the 90Sr/137Cs ratio in the floodplain of the Yenisei River downstream of MCC (0.01–0.1).
URL: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS1066362208010177?LI=true#
Author: A. P. Novikov, S. N. Kalmykov, T. A. Goryachenkova, B. F. Myasoedov
Reference: Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2011
ISSN: 0373-0247
DOI: 10.1134/S1070363211090489
Keywords: radionuclides, change form, contaminated wastewater, soil
Abstract: Radionuclides undergo redistribution and change existence forms (and, therefore, migration dynamics) not only immediately after they enter into the environment, but also during migration. The latter can be associated with changes in the delivery medium (for example, as strongly contaminated wastewaters is diluted by natural), decrease in the concentration of radionuclides (during their sorption and coprecipitation on soil or host rock microparticles), or change in carrier forms (dissolution of fuel matrices). In view of the multifactor nature and complexity of these processes, we set ourselves the task to summarize results obtained at the GEOKHI RAS on the forms of existence and migration dynamics of radionuclides in radioactively contaminated soils. As objects for study we used soils typical of the forest-steppe zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) and taken at a distance of 2 through 8 km from the Trace axis and 2–4 km from the accident place, as well as samples of the high-water bed soils and sediments of the Enisey River, taken 60 km downstream from the Mining Chemical Combine (MCC).
URL: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS1070363211090489#
Author: Mel’chenko A.I.
Reference: Gazette “ТРУДЫ КУБАНСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО АГРАРНОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА“ (Proceedings of Kuban State Agrarian University), 2008
ISSN: 1999-1703
Keywords: plant, vertical migration of 90sr, chernozem
Abstract: In the territory of All-Russian research institute of biological plant protection (Russian academy of agricultural sciences), in the field in orchard, difference in the vertical migration of radionuclides (90Sr) was studied in the soil layer of ordinary leached chernozem, depending on the depth of its original location.
URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11619543
Author: Neganov O.V., Neganova M.A., Silantev A.M., Silantev S.A., Jakovenko G.B.
Reference: patent of invention, 1999
Keywords: decontamination of water, radionuclides
Abstract: FIELD: devices for water cleaning from radionuclides, bacterial, virus and other contaminants in presence of magnetic fields. SUBSTANCE: device has successively connected by means of magnetic pipes magnetic funnel with track membrane, dropping tubes-filters with magnets and ion-exchange resins, and modular electrode unit with selective sorbent of thermoxid grade in magnetic body. EFFECT: production of elocogically clean potable water with efficient trapping of radionuclides. 1 dwg
URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17518084
Author: Glagolenko Yu.G., Drozhko E.G., Mokrov Yu.G.
Reference: Gazette “ВОПРОСЫ РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ“ (Issues on radiation safety), 2007
ISSN: 1816-9643
DOI: 546.42 : 551.48
Keywords: Techa river, beta-emitting radionuclides, alpha-emitting radionuclides, long-lived 90sr and 137cs, Mayak production
Abstract: During 1949-1956 while implementing the State defense program by the Mayak Production Association routine (specified in the detail design) and accidental discharges of the liquid radioactive waste (LRW) into the open hydrographic system of the Techa river were performed. The discharged LRW consisted mainly of beta-emitting radionuclides of fission-fragment origin with half-life from several days to dozens of years and insignificant amounts (traces) of alpha-emitting nuclides (U, Pu, Am). By the middle of the 1960-s practically all the radionuclides contained in the discharged LRW had been subjected to the natural radioactive decay, and the river system radioactive contamination was determined only by the long-lived 90Sr and 137Cs and to a considerably lesser degree by the plutonium (238, 239, 240Pu) and 99Тс. The major part of the activity of the mentioned above radionuclides was deposited upon the swampy flood-plain area (Asanovsky swamps) in the upper Techa river. The following sources of the Techa river water radioactive contamination have been studied in this wok: – sorption-desorption of the activity from the Asanovsky swamps (90Sr); – bottom sediment stirring and activity transfer with suspensions (137Cs, Pu); – overland radioactive run-off from the catchment territory of the Techa river contaminated as a result of accidents occurred in 1957 and 1967 (90Sr, 137Cs); – filtration transfer of the activity from the Techa reservoir cascade (tritium, 90Sr). The data on activity margin of 90Sr, 137Cs, Pu and 99Тс deposited upon different river sections are provided. The analysis of the experimental and calculated data on volumetric activity and radioactive run-off of tritium, 90Sr, 137Cs, 99Tc and plutonium with the Techa river water depending on the water flow in the river is presented.
URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11643606
Author: Novikov A.P., Kalmykov O.V., Myasoedov B.F., Ivanov I.A., Rovny S.I.
Reference: Gazette “ВОПРОСЫ РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ“ (Issues on radiation safety), 2009
ISSN: 1816-9643
Keywords: radionuclides, groundwater, colloids, migration
Abstract: Outcomes of the study are presented that concern bond strength of radionuclides with colloid particles of different sizes obtained from underground waters of the Karachai contamination plume. Using the method of photon-correlation spectroscopy, it was found out that the total content of colloid in deeper horizons is an order of magnitude higher than that in near-surface horizons. At that, an average particle radius also increases with depth. The main portion of Pu, Am, and Cm is bound with colloids (40-90 %). Portions of U and Np in the composition of colloid particles are smaller (2-20 %), and this fact determines their higher migration mobility in underground waters. An insignificant number of actinides is bond with large colloids with a size from 450 nm tо 200 nm. A significant part of actinides in water occurring at a depth of 40 m and deeper is in the fraction of colloid particles with a size from 200 nm tо 50 nm. In water of these horizons not more than 30 % of Pu and Am is bound with smaller size colloids (from 10 kDa tо 50 nm). As it gets closer to the surface, a number of actinides in the fraction of nano-particles (50 nm – 10 kDa) grows up to 50 %. Using the method of selective leaching, the bond strength of actinides with the colloid of underground waters from the Karachai contamination plume was investigated. Using the alpha-track analysis, it was shown that microdistribution of alpha-emitting radionuclides in the colloid is uniform. It was demonstrated that radionuclides, which are found in the colloid of underground waters sampled from three wells with various chemical composition, are in the forms that differ in the degree of their solubility. U and Np in colloid are bound only with highly soluble and mobile groups of compounds; these radionuclides were not identified in the sparingly soluble residue. While Pu and Am are, on the contrary, found in the colloid primarily in sparingly soluble forms. Am, to a greater extent, is bound with surface organo-metallic complexes. Pu was mainly found in the fraction of amorphous oxides.
URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11991986
Author: Novikov, A. P.; Kalmykov, S. N.; Goryachenkova, T. A.; Kazinskaya, I. E.; Barsukova, K. V.; Lavrinovich, E. A.; Kuzovkina, E. V.; Myasoedov, B. F.
Reference: Gazette “Radiochemistry”, 2009
ISSN: 0033-8311
Keywords: radioisotopes, lake, groundwater, radionuclide contamination
Abstract: Associations of radionuclides with colloidal particles of various sizes, isolated from underground waters of the Lake Karachai contamination area, were studied. Analysis by photon correlation spectroscopy showed that the total content of colloidal matter in deeper horizons is higher by an order of magnitude than in near-surface horizons. The mean particle radius also increases with the depth. The major fraction of Pu, Am, and Cm is associated with colloids (40�90%). U and Np are associated with colloidal particles to a lesser extent (2�20%), which determines their higher migration mobility in underground waters. The amount of actinides associated with coarse colloidal particles of size from 450 to 200 nm is insignificant. A considerable fraction of actinides is in the deep-lying water (depth =40 m) is associated with colloidal particles of size from 200 to 50 nm. No more than 30% of Pu and Am in water of these horizons is associated with finer colloids (from 10 kDa to 50 nm). With approaching the surface, the amount of actinides in the fraction of nanometer-sized particles (50 nm-10 kDa) increases (to 50%).
URL: http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/47128737/association-radionuclides-colloidal-matter-underground-waters-taken-from-observation-wells-zone-impact-lake-karachai
Author: Kozlov Konstantin Borisovich, Lavrov Boris Aleksandrovich, Udalov Jurij Petrovich, Doilnitsyn Valerij Afanasevich
Reference: patent of invention, issued by Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Saint-Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), 20.11.2006
Keywords: patent, water
URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=18604097
Title: The possibility of recreational use of forests on the radioactively contaminated areas of Bryansk region
Author: Levkina, Galina Valeryevna
Reference: Moscow, 2000
Keywords: Bryansk region, recreational forest management
Abstract: The purpose of the study – to evaluate the possibilities and determine the features and limitations of the recreational forest management on the radioactively contaminated areas of the Bryansk region.