
Microsoft Word – 2011_05_05_FAQs-Chernobyl.doc

Title: Microsoft Word – 2011_05_05_FAQs-Chernobyl.doc

Reference: WHO  CHERNOBYL at 25th anniversary Frequently Asked Questions April 2011 [PDF-53K]May 2011

Abstract: …dramatic increase in thyroid cancer incidence among…Report of the UN Chernobyl Forum Expert Group…consequences of the 1986 Chernobyl accident were…000 cases of thyroid cancer, of which 15…Report of the UN Chernobyl Forum Expert Group…

URL: http://www.who.int/ionizing_radiation/chernobyl/20110423_FAQs_Chernobyl.pdf

Thyroid Cancer

Title: Thyroid Cancer

Author: Ann W. Gramza

Reference: [PDF-864K]Jan 2012

Abstract: …Differentiated Thyroid Cancer • Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma • Radiation…Children living in Chernobyl (nuclear accident…8 9 • Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma • Hurthle…Differentiated Thyroid Cancer • Derived from Follicular…

URL: http://www.cc.nih.gov/nursing/events/slides/Thyroid_Cancer_outline.pdf

1 Chernobyl Zoya Drozdova University of Idaho Principles of…

Title: 1 Chernobyl Zoya Drozdova University of Idaho Principles of…

Author: Zoya Drozdova

Reference: [PDF-2MB]Mar 2007

Abstract: …estimated the risk of fatal cancer to the general population…health impact of the Chernobyl accident can be classified…long-term effects is that Chernobyl have caused significant increases of childhood thyroid cancer in the region around…

URL: http://pulse.pharmacy.arizona.edu/math/lesson_gifs/chernobyl1_gifs/Chernob6.pdf

235 Chernobyl Sufferers in Ukraine and Their Social Problems: Short…

Title: 235 Chernobyl Sufferers in Ukraine and Their Social Problems: Short…

Author: Volodymyr TYKHYI

Reference: [PDF-66K]Aug 2002

Abstract: …liquidators” worked in Chernobyl. Some estimates give…enormous doses of iodine on thyroid glands. But this…30-km zone around Chernobyl NPP. There were direct…or diseases caused by thyroid irradiation. But there…course, families of Chernobyl “liquidators” suffered…

URL: http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/NSRG/reports/kr21/kr21pdf/Tykhyi.pdf

Thyroid Cancer

Title: Thyroid Cancer

Author: A nn W. Gramza

Reference: [PDF-2MB]Jan 2012

Abstract: …Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (DTC) Epidemiology…years Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (DTC) Risk Factors…radiation Children living in Chernobyl (nuclear accident) Younger…Potassium iodide can protect thyroid from I 131 Give as soon as possible…

URL: http://www.cc.nih.gov/nursing/events/slides/Thyroid_Cancer_3.pdf  http://www.cc.nih.gov/nursing/events/slides/Thyroid_Cancer_1.pdf

Thyroid Nodules2

Title: Thyroid Nodules2

Reference: [PDF-5MB]Aug 2003

Abstract: …testing -map of Chernobyl: www.greenfield…Palpation: thyroid– note if nodules…for thyroid cancer ? Male gender…Family hx of thyroid cancer or polyposis…symptoms of thyroid dysfxn no personal…exposure to Chernobyl at age 36 no…

URL: http://sfghdean.ucsf.edu/barnett/FCM/PC/0303_Thyroid_Nodules.pdf

Thyroid surgery: what has changed from (1970 to 2004): a Turkish perspective

Title: Thyroid surgery: what has changed from (1970 to 2004): a Turkish perspective
Author: Karakoc, Derya / Erol, Timucin / Memmedova, Bibihanim / Memis, Alptekin / Sayek, Iskender,

Reference: The American Journal of Surgery, 198 (1), p.12-16, Jul 2009

doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2008.08.027

Keywords: Thyroid surgery; Pathology; Changes

Abstract: …factor such as the Chernobyl nuclear disaster…Unfortunately, thyroid cancer has become a problem…attributed to the Chernobyl disaster. 17 Turkey…know the relation of thyroid cancer to the Chernobyl accident, but as…

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002961009000944

The silver anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. Where are we now?

Title: The silver anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. Where are we now?

Author: Richard Wakeford

Reference: Journal of Radiological Protection, 31 (1), p.1-7, Mar 2011

doi: 10.1088/0952-4746/31/1/E02

Abstract: …radiation-induced thyroid cancer would appear…released from Chernobyl [10]. The…radiation-induced thyroid cancer [11], based…cancers other than thyroid cancer that might be…as a result of Chernobyl contamination…

URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/0952-4746/31/1/E02/pdf/0952-4746_31_1_E02.pdf

Chernobyl – 20 years on

Title: Chernobyl – 20 years on

Author: Richard Wakeford
Reference: Journal of Radiological Protection, 26 (2), p.125-126, Jun 2006

doi: 10.1088/0952-4746/26/2/E02

Abstract: Twenty years ago on 26 April 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident occurred (or, more precisely, the explosion that marked the start of the accident occurred – the resultant fire lasted several days). This is by far the largest unintentional release of radioactive material into the environment and caused widespread contamination in Europe, which was sufficiently great in the vicinity of Chernobyl to require evacuation of the population. Much attention has been paid to the possible effects on health of the resulting exposure to radiation, but the rapidity of the appearance and the magnitude of the excess cases of childhood thyroid cancer in the heavily contaminated areas of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia took most people by surprise. The striking excess of thyroid cancer among those exposed as children is undoubtedly attributable to the high thyroid doses received from radioiodine released during the accident…

URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/0952-4746/26/2/E02

Molecular cytogenetic characterization of a human thyroid cancercell line

Title: Molecular cytogenetic characterization of a human thyroid cancercell line

Author: Weier, Heinz-Ulrich G. / Tuton, Tiffany B. / Ito, Yuko / Chu, LisaW. / Lu, Chung-Mei / Baumgartner, Adolf / Zitzelsberger, Horst F. / Weier, Jingly F.
Reference: Cytogenetics and Genome Research; Journal Volume: 114; Related Information: Journal Publication Date: 2006

Keywords: Thyroid cancer, Chernobyl, radiation effects, cytogenetics, structural chromosome aberrations, fluorescence in situ hybridization, spectral karyotyping, chromosome

Abstract: The incidence of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) increases significantly after exposure of the head and neck region to ionizing radiation, yet we know neither the steps involved in malignant transformation of thyroid epithelium nor the specific carcinogenic mode of action of radiation. Such increased tumor frequency became most evident in children after the 1986 nuclear accident in Chernobyl, Ukraine. …To study the etiology of radiation-induced thyroid cancer, we formed an international consortium to investigate chromosomal changes and altered gene expression in cases of post-Chernobyl chPTC. Our approach is based on karyotyping of primary cultures established from chPTC specimens, establishment of cell lines and studies of genotype-phenotype relationships through high resolution chromosome analysis, DNA/cDNA micro-array studies, and mouse xenografts that test for tumorigenicity….

URL: http://www.osti.gov/bridge/purl.cover.jsp?purl=/901816-6SPdNw/
